May 20, 2013

ABy Bath Time!

Guess what time it is? Its bath time! Hehehe, now don’t get all squirmy, I know you love bath time! Come on now, get in the bathroom, you’re not getting out of this, ‘cause if your mommy comes home and you’re still all stinky, I’m gonna get in trouble! Here, I got the tub all nice and warm for you and I put in some bubble bath. Go on now, hop in. See, doesn’t that feel good? You can play with your rubber ducky while I use this nice wash […]
August 5, 2011

Bath Time Abies

Some little water babies like the bath. They splash around and make a mess but they don’t mind when it’s time to wash up. Nanny lathers the soap in her hands and then lathers up her slippery water tot. There are so many precious little parts, so many little cracks and crevices to get into and keep smooth and soft. Some little ones are not as easy to keep clean. Sometimes Nanny has to wonder how one little person can bring home so much sand from the beach, or gravel […]
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