June 3, 2011

Water Play

  It’s such a gorgeous day outside!  I thought we could go outside and I would turn on the sprinkler to play in.  We’ll get you down to just your diapy, and you and I can run and jump and play in the sprinkler as it moves from one side to the next – dancing together in the make shift rain as it falls gently around us.  I so enjoy watching you have fun and laughing, and nothing is cuter then seeing a heavy diaper hang low on an adult […]
May 27, 2011

Phone Nanny Ella when Mommy’s Had Enough

Nanny Ella is here to discipline and train naughty little ones that just give their Mommy a hard time. If you are making trouble I will set you straight no matter what it takes. Forced diapering and infantilism, enemas, spankings, sissification–I will go to any extreme to break you and YOU WILL BE GOOD for Nanny. In the end it is worth the effort to behave because Nanny Ella takes special care of sweet little ones and even though you have to be good, I can get as naughty as […]
May 19, 2011

Naughty ABie Boy

  When baby boy graduated from his aby crib to his “big boy” bed he discovered a few advantages…that’s if you didn’t get caught!  Mommy is very strict about adult baby boy’s bedtime and when Mommy tucks her aby in he is in bed for the night.  Mommy would have to continually repeat herself “you’re a big boy now and must follow big boys rules” however abie boy was a naughty little one who never listened.   He also knew little guys should not be snooping in Mommy’s panty draw […]
May 16, 2011

Potty Training for AB

Hi AB’s guess what!? Some of you are in need of potty training 101 with Dommy Mommy Lexus! I use many different ways to get my AB’s to go in the potty just like a boy boy/girl does. The only thing is, when you are out of your diapers…we have to switch to training pants! There will be specific times of the day that we must get you to the potty chair to get you to go. Like 1st thing in the morning, mid morning, afternoon, and a couple times […]
May 13, 2011

Naughty Nanny Takes Care of ABies

Some days everything is just normal and normal is perfect. Yesterday was one of those days. I woke up at a decent hour and felt like I had a good sleep. I had a good breakfast and put on a new shirt. I drank my coffee in the sun and then one of my favorite abies called and we played like we always do, and everything was normal and normal was perfect. I changed the big little one’s diaper and even though he was excited I told him to be […]
May 10, 2011

Rainy Day Comfort

When it’s a rainy day you and mommy always go out in the raining. We get our rain boots on, our rain coats and run outside in the rain and splash in the puddles. How much fun is it to splash in the puddles with mommy. Mommy has on a white shirt and because of the rain, you can see right through my shirt. You don’t know why but it excites you and you get a tingly feeling in your diaper. Then when mommy gets cold from the cold rain […]
May 5, 2011

Mother’s Day

  This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so I just wanted to wish all these wonderful Mommies and Sitters and Grannies over at Phone-a-Mommy a wonderful and relaxing day!! I all know how hard each and every one of you works, and there is no other group of ladies who deserve it more!! So put those feet up, place those cucumber slices on those tired eyes, and let those around serve you for a change!   Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!   Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 5, 2011

Queen for the Day

    I just wanted to remind all you little ones out there that next Sunday is Mother’s Day and not to forget that special lady in your life. That wonderful woman who kissed your boo-boo’s all better…who chased away the monsters from under your bed…who prepared your meals and washed your clothes and cleaned your room day in and day out. Who has always put your happiness and needs and wants before hers. Yes, that unsung hero in your life – Mom! So give her a hug and a […]
May 3, 2011

AB Spankings

Mommy went shopping yesterday and left you with the babysitter. When I got home, mommy had to hear some very bad news…the sitter said that you were being very naughty and not listening to her instruction. You know that mommy always expects you to be on your best behavior when I leave you with the sitter! You know what that means? It means that mommy wants you to go to your room, and patiently wait until mommy comes in to give you some well deserved spanking! And you know that […]
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