October 23, 2010

Rocking Horse

Where shall we ride off to today? Perhaps to the plains of the wide, wide west, driving a herd to auction? Maybe to Arabia and its hot desert sands, with your horse as your only companion? You could be the star of a rodeo show, roping calves and riding the bronco. But where ever you choose to ride off today, Mommy’s love will always be with you! Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
October 18, 2010

Won't you be my Playmate?

Yes, I would like you to be my new playmate. Playmates have so many advantages; they are not only fun but necessary. We have such hard times across our world right now that it is so important to take time and play every chance we get. It is important to play because it is away to escape and release. So won’t you be my playmate? I sure hope that you will! Playmate Mandy 1 888 430 2010
October 16, 2010

Will you Walk into my Parlour…

“Will you walk into my Parlour, said the Spider to the Fly” – I absolutely adore that line.  It always goes through my head as I lure an unsuspecting victim into my lair.  They always seem quite surprised when they find themselves trapped in such a state – unable to escape, to run away, or sometimes even move LOL!  Forced to submit to and accept their new life, be it as an aby, a sissy, or my personal play thing.  Yes indeed, I do so adore that line!  So what […]
October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

I love carving pumpkins, love to bake the seeds, turn on the haunting music, make pumpkin pies and of course eating pumpkin pie LOL. I havent bought my pumpkin yet, but when I do I will post a pic of it here for you all to see. I sure hope you ABDL’s love this holiday as much as I do. Cant wait to here about your plans, come visit us in chat so you can tell us all about your holiday plans and your Halloween activities! Mommy Sara 1 888 […]
October 9, 2010

Steam Power

Well, here we go, yet another interesting antique.  What people can’t cook up!  To think, the first fucking machine was steam powered!  Wow!  Now you know it was some guy, locked up in his little workshop, thinking, “Hmm, now how can I make this dildo hands-free so I can get the sensation of a real good ass-fucking?”  Or maybe it was a desperate husband that only had a wet noodle between his legs, and needed to find a way to satisfy his wife.  Can you imagine, one of these puppies […]
October 2, 2010

Bare or Hair?

There has been some discussion if ABies should shave from the neck down or not as of late.  I believe that this is a perfect example as to why all you little ones should indeed go bare. The only question now is should one use a blade, clippers, or wax.  Perhaps something a little more permanent – maybe electrolysis or laser treatments?  Me?  I think that I would like to use wax for my babies (and I’m talking about waxing them personally, or at least escorting them to the salon […]
September 25, 2010


Okay, I wish I had never com across this picture on the internet. This is just plain Freaky! OMG, I am going to have nightmares for weeks. Does it make a spider appear more cute cause it has a squirrels body? No! It does not! Where do people come up with this stuff, uggghhhh I am so entirely freaked out!!!! Way Too Bizarre for me. Mandy, 1 888 430 2010
September 18, 2010

Time-Out Chair

Look what I got for all my naughty, naughty little ones! A special chair just for you. And I have a special place for it - right in the corner. Won’t eat your veggies? Talking back to Mommy Gina? Were you being mean to the other little ones on the playground? Then in the chair you will go! But before you end up in the chair, Mommy Gina will have to paddle that little hinnie of yours. So next time you think about being bad, just remember that you will end up […]
September 5, 2010

Mommy Dearest

Ok, so I know that I can usually be seen as a sweet, loving mommy who likes to have lots of fun – and that’s true (mostly). But there is a strict, dommy side that I like to indulge in as well. With that in mind, let me share with you what I have been pondering. Seems that some little ones like to be mommy’s little helper, or be trained as sissy maids. This is all fine and dandy, but rarely are the chores set before them done to my […]
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