August 14, 2011

abdl fun time

What fun things did you love to do as a kid? Were you a hardcore bike rider? Did you skateboard? I remember skipping rope, riding my bike, blowing bubbles, dancing out in the yard, playing house, playing dolls, board games and lots of simple fun things. Growing up is no excuse not to enjoy the things that we used to enjoy as a child. Go to the store and pick up some bubbles or a coloring book and crayons. ABDL folks know how good playtime is for the soul but […]
June 30, 2011

Good Times

  Sweet!  The Fourth is finally here, can you believe it?  Summer is officially in full swing now.  Time for good food, good people and good times.  I personally love fill a giant tub of water grenades and just put them out without saying a word; then seeing how long it takes for someone (who usually is three sheets to the wind) to discover them and plan their ambush on some unsuspecting soul, hehe.  I wonder…how many water grenades does it take to soak an AB’s diaper, hehehe? Ah yes…good […]
June 4, 2011

Normal is as Normal Does

  I hear it all the time – am I normal?  Is it normal for me to love diapers?  It can’t be normal to want to be treated like a baby, can it?  Well let me set the record straight – YES! You are normal!  Let me expand on that…you are normal for you.  And what other yard stick is there to measure your normalcy to? Everyone has their own likes, their own dislikes, their own preferences, and yes, their own idiosyncrasies.  What used to be considered abnormal 50 years […]
May 24, 2011

scared sissy

I hate for my sissy baby to get frightened. You should know Mommy is close by and will not let anything bad happen to her sissy baby. These spring storms can be loud and go boom all day long but Mommy is here. Just as I thought you would you went peepee in your cloth diapers when you heard that thunder. It’s OK though, we’ll get baby cleaned up and fresh again. Then you can come lay in Mommy’s arms and drift off to sleep as the lightening lights up […]
April 2, 2010

New Easter Dress

Now won’t my baby girl look so precious in your new Easter Dress! I love to go shopping for Spring clothes. All the frilly dresses and bonnets, all the accessories, gloves, shoes, beads, and all the panties and training bras *giggles*. I look forward to getting my little girl all diapered and dolled up! Oh what fun Easter is! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
June 26, 2008

The special lollipop

     My abie has been an all right boy, a little trouble this weekend that just passed but over all good. So I took him to get a new stuffed animal and some candy. Candy is extremely limited in mommy’s house. So once we got home he wanted to share his lollipop with mommy. I thought how sweet, and then I found a way to tease my poor abie in his chastity device. Long slow licks while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened and I could tell he was […]
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