June 11, 2010

Tree Envy

So what can I say about this – I mean seriously (between all my giggles and snickers). If this doesn’t give you little ones penile envy and a severe inferiority complex, I don’t know what will, LOL! I know, you keep pulling your diaper out so you can look down at that itty bitty thing in there, then look back up at this picture – then back down and back at the tree. And THAT, my little darling, is the difference between a grown-up peepee and that teeny tiny little […]
May 30, 2010

Pillow Pets

Have you all seen the new Pillow Pets? I just think they are adorable. Perfect for our slumbers. I think they will work good with our pillow fights as well as making sure Mommy Sara has enough pillows LOL. Dont forget Tuesday night is the next Slumber Party! Mommie Becca 1 888 430 2010
May 29, 2010

Always a Mommy

My callers always ask me about my job here at www.phoneamommy.com. I tell them how much I love it. Then they ask if I ever get tired of doing Mommy Calls. My answer is always the same, no, no I do not. I have been working here for a long time now, and it’s a pure joy for me to do so. I get to play many roles, Mommy, Aunt, Nanny, Next Door Neighbor, Random Woman who seduces the caller and on and on it goes. Now I ask you, […]
May 22, 2010

Finger Painting

I was looking around for finger paints, and look what I came across!  Isn’t it fabulous?  The art work is so intricate and life like, you almost forget that there is just a hand under all that paint and not gloves of some sort.  Can you imagine how long something like that takes to complete?  This beats a hand puppet any day of the week!  All I know is if it were me, I would have plastic gloves on to keep them unspoiled, and not wash my hands for a […]
May 16, 2010

Lil’ Kitchen Helper

So, I’m preparing to make some Portuguese sweet bread, and I was thinking wouldn’t it be great if I had a little kitchen helper here with me. We could have matching aprons, and you could help me gather all the ingredients and bring them to the table. Once all the ingredients have been mixed, you can help me kneed the dough until it is just right. You would look so cute with flour smudged across your face and on your nose! Then once it has risen, and is ready to […]
May 8, 2010

Super Moms Everywhere

We all know what tomorrow is, don’t we? Hope all you little ones have something special planned for your mommies, ‘cause I wouldn’t want to be you if you don’t! All year she takes care of you and nurtures you and anticipates your every need and want. All without a thank you or a single acknowledgment of her tireless efforts day in and day out! (Are all of you feeling guilty yet? Hehe) So here’s to all you super moms everywhere! Keep the cape in the closet today and take […]
May 2, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

Next Sunday is Mother’s Day, so don’t forget to show that special mommy in your life how very much you love and appreciate her! Flowers, a card, breakfast in bed, taking her out for dinner are all good ways to show her this. But don’t forget to give her a great big hug and kiss as well!! And to all those special mommies and nannies and grannies and sitters over at Phone-a-Mommy – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 24, 2010

The Perfect Tushie Cover

I saw this and I almost died! It is just adorable, isn’t it? I have a special little sissy of mine that this would be perfect for. Pair it up with a frilly little sissy dress and a seven layer petticoat, and we are good for a fun day at the park, wouldn’t you say? And when she jumps rope, her dress will come flying up, petticoats and all, and show everyone what a perfect little tushie cover she is wearing! Lovely, simply lovely! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
April 23, 2010

Fair Time!

Are you ready to come with Mommy for a trip to the county fair? We will ride the Carousel, the Choo Choo Train, the Dragon Wagon, the Spinning Apples, TeaCups, and Watering Whales. We can feed all the animals, watch the clowns, dance to the band and eat till our tummies hurt! Corn dogs, Sausage sandwiches, fries, cotton candy, and funnel cakes. Mommy will bring along lots of diapers cause your bound to have some messy ones! We will play till we drop and party till you poop! Now hurry […]
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