April 18, 2010

On Top of Spaghetti…

Ok, this was one of my favorites when I was a kid – tell me if you remember it: On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese. I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table, it rolled on the floor, And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door. It rolled in the garden and under a bush, And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush. The mush was as tasty as tasty could be, And early next summer it grew to a […]
April 10, 2010

In The Cookie Jar Again?

Ah-ha! I caught you! You’ve been in the cookie jar again, haven’t you? Don’t try to deny it – you have cookie crumbs and chocolate smeared all over your face from the chocolate chip cookies I just made. Tsk, Tsk! You know what that means don’t you? You’re going over my knee for a swift and stern spanking young man! Then it’s into the corner with that red and sore tushie of yours! Such a naughty aby! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 9, 2010

Bath Time!

Wanna hop in the bath with Mommy little boy? Mommy loves her baths especially this time a year, after all the spring cleaning mommy does all day there is nothing better than relaxing in a hot, bubble filled tub. And enjoying that time with Mommies little boy only makes it all that much sweeter. We can take turns washing washing each other and of course playing games like “blowing the bubbles off mommies boobies” and “parking the submarine” ends the night just right! Hurry up baby Mommy is filling the […]
April 3, 2010

Happy Easter!

Hope all you little one enjoy your Easter! Have lots of fun dying eggs and then finding them on your Easter egg hunt. Just remember not to try and eat all your candy in one sitting, else you will end up with an upset stomach and that’s no fun. And don’t forget to wear your Sunday best – I’m sure all you sissies have the prettiest dresses to wear, giggle. Enjoy your Easter! MommyGina 1*888*430*2010
March 20, 2010

Wet Diaper Contest

I was thinking, they have wet T-shirt contests, why not a wet diaper contest? All diapers could be weighed before they are put on. Then contestants are given two hours to get their diaper as wet as they are able (in ‘baby’ fashion only). At the end of the time limit, they would then parade, in pageant form, showing off how wet their diaper is and how far it sags down. And of course they would then be changed in front of everyone (so everyone could see that was no […]
March 20, 2010

So you want me to diaper you?

Mommy Sara loves to diaper her babies. There is such a special bond that is created when a Mommy diapers her baby. I so much enjoy the process of changing a diaper, the facial expressions, the smells, the touch and playful act. I know that we would all prefer to be changed in person, but sometimes this just isn’t a possibility and that’s where me and my other loving mommies here at phone a mommy come in and know this that we truly care about our babies and just wish […]
March 13, 2010


Came across this and it gave me a tickle, so I thought I’d share – enjoy! SMUT! by Tom Lehrer Give me smut and nothing but! A dirty novel I can’t shut, If it’s uncut, and unsubt- le. I’ve never quibbled If it was ribald, I would devour where others merely nibbled. As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense, “To be smut It must be ut- Terly without redeeming social importance.” Por- Nographic pictures I adore. Indecent magazines galore, I like them more If they’re […]
March 7, 2010

Little Boy Blue

I found this version of the nursery rhyme; I thought it was cute, so I thought I would share it with all of you – Little boy blue come blow your horn. The sheep’s in the meadow the cow’s in the corn! And where is the boy who looks after the sheep? SHE’s under a haystack diapered neat! ____________ Little boy pink come make a wish The stars in the sky send you their kiss As you dream of a world so happy and free Warm in thick diapers being […]
February 28, 2010

Let is Snow, let it snow…

Don’t ya just love the snow? Covering everything in a soft, white blanket, making everything seem so calm and peaceful? Yeah, yeah, I know – SHUT UP YOU! By now I figure there are quite a few of you that are just sick and tired of that dreaded white stuff and all that comes with it – the back breaking shoveling, the endless cancellations, the icy roads. Ready for the summer to hurry up and get here yet? I bet a lot of you are, huh? You say that now, […]
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