November 19, 2015

It’s Getting Colder!

The weather has started getting cooler so it’s about time that I update my abies’ wardrobes to make sure that all my sissies stay warm this winter! I like to start by pulling out my long sleeved dresses, ones that are usually made of thicker warmer materials like fleece or heavy cotton. Then, I like to pull out fleece stockings with cute patterns (like snowflakes or flowers) along the legs. Usually that’s enough to keep my sissies nice and warm, but just in case, I like to have a few […]
November 17, 2015

Mommy loves diapers

I prefer the disposable diapers over the cloth ones. Because I do not like doing laundry, mostly I prefer the ease of going through the aisles and looking for the right diapers for my baby. It is such fun, looking for ones with different patterns and pictures on them . I love disposable diapers because of the crinkling noise they make when my baby wears them . I love shopping for wipes to get different ones with different patterns on the package . I always keep the babies room fully […]
November 15, 2015

Stinky Diaper Lover!

When you find yourself in my ABDL nursery, you will notice how many things there are to use to take care of you. When you come to me, like most of my adult babies, I am sure that your diaper will not be clean. More times than not, when I get a new diaper lover, they have a very full and very stinky diaper for me to change! Usually I can smell it as soon as they step into my home, that pungent smell hitting my nostrils and sending me […]
November 5, 2015

Obedient Sissy

My sissy and I went shopping earlier, and we got a lot of cute skirts for him to wear. I let him sit down on the bus ride home, with our bags at his feet, and I stood in front of him. The bus was very crowded, and there was a man behind me staring at my ass the whole time. I glanced back for a moment and saw him rubbing himself through his jeans. I got a very wicked idea and told him my sissy would gladly take care […]
September 26, 2015

Wearing Diapers With Mommy

As a special treat to my adult babies and diaper lovers alike, I think that it might be fun to get into something a little different one of these days. I was thinking about having a session in which I take my time taking care of whichever lucky ABDL gets to come and spend this time with me. I will take off that stinky diaper that they come to me in and gently wipe them down and make sure they are squeaky clean! After I get my nice big bottle […]
September 21, 2015

Stinky Diapers

Yuck! The last thing mommy wants to smell when she gets home is that nasty, stinky diaper you have been wearing since I left for work this morning! You said you could hold it until I came home, but I knew you would never be able to. There is no way your little bladder and your tiny pee pee could hold back all that for the whole day until I got back here to change you. It is kind of funny, and almost sad looking at you sitting over there, […]
September 20, 2015

ABDL Ryan is Turning 4

Good morning my sweet little adult baby boy Ryan! How are you? Do you know what day it is? You don’t? Well mommy will just have to remind you then won’t she? Today is baby Ryans birthday silly! Do you know what that means? Mommy has already decorated the whole house for your big day today! The theme is blue’s clues! Mommy knows how much you love blue’s clues so I got a big birthday cake with blue right in the middle! Aw is that the doorbell I hear? Those […]
September 13, 2015

Pretty Little Diaper Sissy

I am a loving, nurturing MILF. I do not like to have to repeat myself or raise my voice. Unless in a sexy role play, my typical demeanor is one that commands obedience and a submissive attitude. The perfect little sissy would know their place and acknowledge my full dominance over every aspect of their life without me ever having to utter a word. That is a tell-tale sign of a perfectly trained sissy slut. When mommy comes home from a long day and is tired, do you think she […]
September 6, 2015

Be Mommy’s Perfect Sissy

It is so nice when I have a good little submissive to play with however I see fit. When they do not talk back or fight the things I say, I am one happy MILF. I have a big, lonely house. One thing I have been wanting to get into the house lately is a pretty little sissy girl to do everything I say without giving me any lip! I have all sorts of plans for her, mainly letting her know that no matter what, mommy is in charge! When […]
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