February 20, 2011

Boot-Leg Milk

Have you heard about this? Apparently there is a high demand for breast milk.  Not only that, but because of the testing and processing done to the milk, the price for mother’s milk through legitimate channels seems to be quite high.  This has led to an underground network of “boot-leg” milk, as it were. ~ So I’m reading about this and so many visions are going through my head.  Back street meetings taking place in trench coats and hats pulled down low; the swapping of unmarked envelopes and coolers wrapped in plain brown wrappers; mommies huddled under a tree at the park, whispering nervously, scrambling as the park police come into view; a nervous mommy being questioned under a hot, bare light bulb – “talk or we’ll get the paddle!”…omg, the list just keeps going on and on and on, hehehe.  Who woulda thunk that we mommies would be carrying around our own white gold mines? (just food for thought :P) ~ ~~~ ~ Gina 1*888*430*2010
February 13, 2011

Valentine Panty Boy

Mmmmmm, there is nothing like slipping on a sweet, sexy, silky pair of panties on a special day.  It gives oneself a naughty boost that carries you throughout the day.  So imagine my surprise when I go into my panty drawer, looking for my special valentine’s panties, and not being able to find them.  And imagine my surprise when I find them in your room under your pillow, still moist from where you masturbated in them.  Well, you like my panties so much, then panties you shall have.  And I will have you show me exactly what you like doing with my panties – how you like to feel them between your fingers; how you like to smell them and taste them; how you like to stroke them over you hard penis; and how you like to ejaculate in them.  Oh yes, you like my panties, then a panty boy you shall be! ~ ~~~ ~ Maggy 1-888-430-2010
February 6, 2011

Uh-oh, I Smell Something …

~ My, oh my – what is that that I smell?  My Abie went and made a messy in his diapy, didn’t he? And right after I told him not to, no less.  Aby is supposed to tell mommy when he has to go poopy, isn’t he?  You know mommy doesn’t allow baby to go messies in his diapy, don’t you!  Now my little one is going to need a changing, but not until he gets a firm spanking!  No whining, or you’ll have to sit in the corner with that smelly diaper on until you have a diaper rash!  Now call Mommy Gina and take your punishment like the naughty abie that you are! ~ ~~~ ~ Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
January 29, 2011

Mother’s Love

  Sometimes there is no substitution for a Mother’s love; the warmth of her embrace, her loving smile, her unconditional love, her ability to chase all the day’s worries away. She can always bring you back to a simpler time – a time where the world was a much smaller place, where you are loved and accepted for who and what you are. ~ Are you looking to return to Mother’s arms once again? Where she will nurse you and care for you, bathe you and diaper you, lull you to sleep with her hypnotic voice? Then all you need to do is call Mommy Maggy and you will be transported to a place that is warm and inviting and where there isn’t a care in the world. ~ ~~~ ~ Mommy Maggie 1-888-430-2010
January 23, 2011

When Was The Last Time

When was the last time you told someone that you wear a diaper, or that you are a sissy, or LG or LB? I know first hand how horrible it can be, I had my own experience with an ex-bf, and lets just say it went really really not well at all. In the end was reduced to tears, and felt dirty and like something was seriously wrong with me. I did however come to realize that the only thing that was wrong with me was staying with him as long as I did. HA! Anyway, I want to know your story, how did it go, how did you go about telling them, and how did they take it? Stacie 1-888-430-2010
January 22, 2011

Down the Diaper Isle

~ Confusing, isn’t it? The diaper isle – it’s a little like going down the rabbit hole. There are so many styles and brands and sizes to choose from. One doesn’t know where to begin. There there little one, it will be ok. All you need is a little help. Just go right up to the sales lady and tell her your problem. That your mommy sent you to get diapers and you are not sure what kind to get. Tell her how often you wear them, and how often you wet them. How long you have to sit in a wet diaper, and what type of activities you are engaging in when wearing them (i.e. playing, sleeping, running around. What did you think I meant?); if you will be making a stinky mess in it or not. Then she can direct you to the best diapers suited for you. And maybe if you are a good baby, she will help you pick out the best wipes and diaper rash ointment for you as well, teeheehee. ~ ~~~ ~ Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
January 16, 2011


I do my best every day to be in a happy dappy mood.  And when I think about things, and all that I have (which isn’t much) I find myself very lucky compaired to some.  I have a roof over my head, food, health, good friends and I get to tease the hecky out of most of you on the phone *giggle*.  Granted, sometimes life gets hard, but all in all, my life is wonderful.  I may not be rich, or have the fanciest clothing, or eat gourmet food, or drive a 100k car, but what I do have makes me happy.  What is your happy?   Jenna 1-888-430-2010
January 16, 2011

The Package

It was mid-morning when my doorbell rings. It was the fed-ex delivery guy; he had a package for you, my dear sweet neighbor and boyfriend to my best friend Becky. But no one is there, and he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving it on the doorstep. He asks if I wouldn’t mind holding it for you until you get home. ~ Being the helpful neighbor that I am, naturally I told the fed-ex guy that I would be more then happy to accept the package for you. But when I got the box inside, I saw that it was damaged. Again, being the helpful neighbor that I am, I had to check the contents inside to make sure nothing was broken or damaged. Imagine my surprise when I find an entire box full of adult diapers! ~ ~ Becky never once said anything about you wearing diapers, let alone liking them or playing in them, and she tells me EVERYTHING the two of you do (and I mean everything!). I’m thinking Becky has no idea, that somehow you have been able to hide away your little obsession from her eyes. Yes, you have been successful in keeping your secret safely tucked away – up until today that is. ~ I can use the fact that you seem to want to keep your little diaper fetish in the darkness – yes indeed, I can use that little nugget for a bit of naughty fun, hehe. And I thought today was going to be a boring day! You can almost here the wheels whirling inside my head as the most deliciously wicked smile starts to slowly grow over my face! Oh I am going to have fun with this!!!   ~   …to be continued… ~~~ Maggy 1-888-430-2010
January 8, 2011

Have a Coke and a Smile

Ok, so when I saw this, like a thousand different images and scenarios and ideas came swarming into my mind (after the involuntary shudder passed through my body, of course).  Admit it; it did for you as well.  And every Coke catch phrase and advertisement did as well – Can’t Beat the Feeling; Can’t Beat the Real Thing; It’s the Real Thing; The Official Soft Drink of the Summer; Always Coca-Cola; and of course, Have a Coke and a Smile.  Unless of course it is a Mountain Dew bottle – then Do the Dew comes to mind.  I could go on and on.  So what do you think led to this dilemma?  Naughty play that went awry?  Punishment for a messy diaper?  Smuggling a drink into the movie theater?  A unique enema?  Perhaps a training session of sorts.  Again, I could go on and on.  So, what ideas are going through your mind, hmmm?  What say you? Gina 1*888*430*2010
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