August 28, 2008

Spankings good and bad

Yes there is such a thing as a good spanking. Sensual spanking can be a lot of fun. I have been on the giving and receiving end of both types. Some were a long time ago. I just really enjoy spanking and paddles, hairbrush spankings and well all of it really. When I get on the phone with someone who loves it as much as I do I feel very lucky. So many abies have spent time with me getting spankings since I started as a phone mommy, you are […]
May 22, 2008

Panty Thieves

  My abie is always stealing mommies panties. I guess I should expect it from the naughty sissy. The thing is the dirty girly has her own panties. You just never know what an adult baby might have up their sleeve. One time I just kept letting them add up in her ‘hiding’ place until I ran out. Then I turned it into a big production and made her take me shopping for new ones. Come to think of ti that was a good way to get new panties.  […]
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