March 10, 2013

Diaper Love

There are so many things that I love about wearing adult diapers! Lotsa times when I talk to someone who is just getting into being an adult baby, or just starting wearing diapers, they have all kindsa questions. Like whats so great about wearing diapers and being a babie, how I started wearing diapers, stuff like that. So I figured I’d just answer some of those questions! First of all, bein’ a babie is so nice ‘cause you don’t have to worry about things! You have your mommy or daddy […]
August 30, 2010


Summer rain showers, how much fun they are! I remember when I was young all dressed up in my rain coat and rubber boots begging mom to let me go out and play in the rain! Scouting out the biggest deepest puddles! Looking at my reflection in the rippling water holes. Spinning in circles till I was so dizzy I could not longer stand. Trying to catch the rain drops with my tongue. Chasing my dog through the overflowing ditch. Scanning the skies for a rainbow. Chanting hymns about rain! […]
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