February 21, 2014

Masturbation Deterrent: The Introduction of Male Chastity

Ahh, look what I came across in my travels.  Now you know I adore interesting and unique items and antiques of yester years, and this little number is right up my alley. Did you know that male chastity devices were originally made with youths in mind rather than adults?  Oh yes indeed!   Back in the day, the belief that ‘masturbation’ was evil was widely accepted. This was due largely in part because of the story of Onan in the bible – ‘self-abuse’ (masturbation) was regarded as evil and went […]
January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
January 9, 2014

Adult Baby Phone Sex

Oh my poor, sweet, little Adult Baby – I know you’ve been looking tirelessly for that special AB Mommy just for you.  Now now little one, don’t despair, for I have good news for you!  Your search can come to an end now; Mommy Scarlet is here to take care of you.   How long have you been searching, darling, searching for that sensual Mommy just for you? A Mommy who understands that being an Adult Baby is more for you than just wearing diapers or getting spankings.  You see, […]
December 27, 2013

New Year’s Eve Baby

I have a very special surprise for you on New Year’s Eve!  You see, the girls and I are having a little get together, and we are in need of a New Year’s Eve baby, and guess who I volunteered, heeheeheehee!  Yup, you got it; you have the honor of being our New Years Eve Adult Baby.  And with that honor you get to sport a brand new, extra thick crinkly diaper!! And that’s not all – you get to wear a onsie and have a paci and have a […]
December 20, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

It’s that time of year again – time for Santa to make his list and check it twice.  And what list will you be on?  The nice list?  Or the naughty list?  Will you be getting a stocking full of toys and goodies?  Or will it be full or coal and a paddle for paddling that naughty little behind of yours?  Will you be spending your Christmas morning opening all your wonderful gifts?  Or will you be receiving a paddling for being so very naughty this year?  Well, all I […]
December 7, 2013

Twisters: Tales from The Romper Room, Urban Edition

Now I know every one knows and has heard of Romper Room.  In fact, most of us have had it televised in our neighborhood at one time or another.  But I have stumbled upon an alternate version of the beloved Romper Room.  Seems that different areas had very different versions.   Let’s take for example what the magic mirror sees in different areas of the country.  At the end of each show, the hostess would look into her magic mirror, chanting those immortal words… “Romper, bomper, stomper, boo. Tell me, […]
October 11, 2013

Experienced Mommy Phone Sex

Nobody can make you feel more safe and relaxed than an experienced Mommy can. No judgments, no rules, no limits — just getting real and enjoying your body and your fantasies. That is what mommy phone sex and adult baby phone sex is all about – especially with an experienced mommy. It’s no wonder that so many people with high stress jobs find it such a wonderful way to unwind.   The contrast with the cold harsh world is what makes AB/DL so wonderfully relaxing. So whether it is diaper play, diaper […]
September 12, 2013

ABDL Butterfly

Within the outside world that you navigate through, you are a responsible person, filling your day with work and duties and time sensitive tasks.  You drudge through all of them, without complaint, knowing that they are required to sustain your way of life.  Others depend on you, so you rise to the occasion without question.  This is your vanilla world – the one that is presented to the outside world encased in a pristine little box wrapped up in a bow, nice and neat.  Your persona in that outside world […]
September 1, 2013

No Limits!

Mommy Ava needs a few young men to have a role play fantasy with. Are you ready to play. I don’t have any limits, I am kinky and wild. And I crave to be touched. I know how to take good care of you. I am caring, and very nurturing, and no one will treat you as good as me. So why don’t you come play with Mommy Ava right now. I know your hard just thinking about my swollen mounds. And my warm mouth that will make you feel […]
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