June 18, 2013

Sissy Sweater

Mommy Maggie was telling me all about how she wanted to send you to Summer Camp, so when I was shopping the other day and saw this sweater I just knew it would be perfect for a sissy like you! Even though it’s summer time, the nights do get chilly sometimes, so this little sweater with the peenie on it will be just the thing to keep the chill away. And, it will announce to everyone how much your little sissy self adores penis! I can’t wait to see how […]
June 16, 2013

You do NOT pick on Mommy Sara’s ABies!

You came home the other day so upset and it just broke my heart! Cuddling you close, I held you on my lap and rocked you while you told me what was wrong. It seems a man who was supposed to be helping you was instead being stubborn, hard to deal with and unprofessional. As you told me the story of how you’d politely asked the man for help, and how he’d acted like he was too good to help you, Mommy showered you with kisses and told you she’d […]
June 5, 2013

Simon Says

Last night at bedtime you were such a naughty little aby. You ran around the house with mommy chasing you to get you into bed, it was time for sleeping but you decided it was time to play a game with mommy. At first I wasn’t upset and played along with you but then you didn’t stop you continued so mommy had to teach you a lesson. You watched as mommy went into her room and appeared again with paddle in hand, you had a sly little grin on your […]
June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
April 26, 2013

Sissification Phone Sex: Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you?  So does Mommy.  I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the boys in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite boy to play with.  Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be an irresistible little gurl for him.  How lucky he will be won’t he?  He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we […]
April 1, 2013

rock a bye abie

Having the most fun ever with your phonemommy consists of 1-listening very intently to her rules. 2-Giving her anything & everything she needs from you. Above all make absolute sure that you smile while you are with your mommy even if that means keeping your ab diaper filled or dry. Never forget if you give your phonemommy a great time then she will give you that in return. Sweet adult baby would look even better in mommy’s arm’s right now being rocked to sleep. Carefully mommy would wrap you in […]
March 9, 2013

Surprise Sissy Baby Make Over

I love surprising someone when I inform them of their new role of not just an abie, but of a sissy baby! I tell them that they are the guest of honor at a baby shower, and lead them to their newly decorated nursery, complete with a pink crib and all the frilly trimmings! They have the most cutest, dumbfounded looks on their faces when they realize that this is going to be their new life, hehe. I just pat them on their heads, take them by the hand, and […]
March 6, 2013

Diaper Change

Diaper change is what your wanting but why would you want it changed doesn’t it feel so much better all messy and wet.I know you enjoy the feel of it when you get it that way.And then you still come crying oh please please change my diaper and i will keep telling you its not time yet. And yet you think it is but its not time you haven’t had the diaper on long enough not nearly long enough i told you when i changed it yesterday that you would […]
February 24, 2013

Adult diaper play

I know a horny guy who loves adult diaper play. He likes it when his mommy mistress puts him in a trance and regresses him back to baby years. Crawling around on the floor and cooing and gaga-ing over everything he see’s. What a little abie he is  in his big thick white diapeys. Always wanting mommies breast milk & saying bahbah poo poo & peepee. He get’s into Mommie’s room when he is not allowed in there & takes my panties! What a dirty little adult baby, Then I […]
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