December 19, 2009

A Mothers Love

What a sweet image of Rudolph and his Mother. A Mothers love is strong, binding, and enduring. No matter how bad you’ve been all year, Mommy still loves you! So snuggle up with your Mommies this Christmas Eve and wait for Santa with her. Let Mommy change that diapey, feed you and tuck you in to wait for Santa. Perhaps if we are lucky will catch a sight of Rudolph and the other reindeer’s! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
December 13, 2009

Santa's Helpers

Now you didn’t really think that Santa delivers all those toys every year with no pay back of any kind, Did ya? Well if you did I hate to be the one to burst that bubble, but Santa requires Mommies to be his little helpers. Oh yes, Santa has his desires too and us Mommies know how to please him! We have a great deal of influence when it comes to your Christmas morning. So now what you ask? Well…….. You better watch Out, You better not Pout, You better […]
December 13, 2009

Christmas Time Fun!

Do you like to color? Mommy Sara still loves to color, I find it very relaxing. So Mommy has a chore for all her little ones this week. Mommy wants all her little ones to visit this site and print out a page and sit and color it! You can pick up some crayons at the dollar store, take a picture of the picture you color and email it to Mommy. For anyone who does this Mommy will reward you with a treat! Now hop to it babies be the […]
December 6, 2009


I love it when its time to get one of my ABies into the tub! I always make sure there are oodles of bubbles to play in. And let’s see – there’s a rubber ducky, wind up fishies to swim about, and of course a sponge mitt. And as a special treat, I have soap crayons so my little one can color a pretty picture on the side of the tub for me. I love to get them squeaky clean then wrap them up in a warm, fluffy towel, powder […]
December 3, 2009

Next Up!

Well, another Thanksgivings has come to pass and Next Up is Christmas. Not much time left to prepare. I myself have my tree up, house is decorated for the most part, shopping is close to complete and fun activities are underway. Some of my favorite things to do during the winter season is enjoying the outdoors, carriage rides down town, taking long drives to look at the lights, bundling up and taking late night stroll under the moon in the fresh crisp air of the night, and relaxing at a […]
November 29, 2009

From the Mouth of Babes!

A little boy was overheard praying: ‘Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5, and Ryan 3 The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. ‘If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.’ Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, ‘ […]
November 29, 2009

The Best Feeling In The World

Do you know what one of the best feelings in the world is? Besides being forced to wear a diaper to a party with just women sitting around that you know detest you lol. Being in love. Love is hard to find, it’s hard to keep and it’s hard to make last. Love is hard. I see over on diaperspace a lot of people looking for love, or someone to take care of them as an AB or DL. It breaks my heart really. I wear diapers and I know […]
November 22, 2009

Parade, YAY!

One of my favorite, FAVORITE things at Thanksgiving besides the food is the Macy’s Parade! My dad and used to watch it together while my mom cooked. It would just be him and I, and I loved that time together. There were not a lot opportunity to spend any alone time together, but this one day of the year, him and I for a few hours would sit and be together and watch it. It was awesome! I miss my dad, and I loved him very much. So this Thanksgiving […]
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