April 1, 2009

A Delightful Lesson

On my run this morning, I happened to notice all the trees getting green and the color coming back to the bark. It made me think of the beauty that is all around us. As a mommy, I feel it’s my duty to share with my babies all the things that encourage wonderment and delight. So here you are my babies.. A beautiful work of living art to enjoy.               Have a wonderful day 🙂 Nurse Betty 1-888-430-2010
March 25, 2009

Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! I just love spring flowers don’t you? Daffodils, tulips, peonies, and all the trees in bloom! Who can resist sitting under a sweet cherry tree having a picnic in our diapers? Wouldn’t that be so wonderful? Having a nice light lunch of fresh fruit, raw veggies and dip and perhaps a sandwich? We could feed each other and then afterwards we could change each other, all while outside in the fresh spring air. Oh a picnic with you this Spring would be so much fun! *kisses* CousinJenna 1 […]
March 19, 2009

Spring Fever!

Recently the weather has been quite the mood changer. It’s beautiful and warm one day and cold and rainy the next. The beautiful warm weather has me longing to get outside and experience some things that I have missed all winter like my running. The treadmill is just not cutting it! Of course, being a nurse, I know the importance of staying in shape so I do it, but it’s a drudgery. I so long to feel the sun on my face, the wind blowing against me and my heart […]
March 18, 2009

Shhhh! Don't tell anyone

Hello Boys, I’m Mommy Gina. I’ll show you what a grown woman looks like down there, and what you can do! I’ll show you what to do! Don’t tell anyone though, it’s our little secret! Let’s go into the other room, and you can call and tell me all about the secret feelings you’ve been having lately. Daddy can’t hear us, you can tell Mommy Soccermom gina 1-888-430-2010
March 15, 2009

A Little Bit of Pain is Pleasurable

Sara likes a little bit of pain. One of my latest new torturing devices is my tweezers. I like to pluck that hair out of your head, your arm pits, your private area *giggles* don’t be scared now, it really is rather enjoyable. It’s like a twinge of delight. And when it’s done just right in the right area it can be very erotic! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
March 12, 2009


Aren’t you glad you are all grown up now? Now YOU get to choose when to play. *giggles* And if you want a whole room filled with playpen balls, you can do just that! Wouldn’t it be great just to get into a diaper and then jump into all those balls? Think of how fun that would be! We could play hide and go seek, bury each other under the balls, put the balls down our diapers, throw them at each other, stuff balls down our onesies and laugh and […]
March 8, 2009

Who would you be?

Who would you be? What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think Maryann would look so cute in a diaper and so would Gilligan! Who do you think better represents you? the professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to be Carol Brady and take care of […]
March 5, 2009

T.L.C. anyone?

Tender Loving Care that is…Mommy Lauren is relaxing right this very moment on my huge, fluffy bed ready for for some play time. Plenty of hugs,luv, kisses and well fun play w/Mommy Lauren as always! I have tons of soft blankies, fresh diapers, baby powder and my milk is always ready hehehe.. Call for some extra attention…hehe Lauren Muah~muah darlings…
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