October 23, 2008

A Nurturing Mommy

A nurturing Mommy can also be a strict Mommy. Even tho I am a strict mommy I love all the Abies out there. Mommies that are strict also cuddle, read stories, play and do fun things as well. Yes I am strict when a baby needs discipline but always with love. So if you need to be nurtured by a Mommy just remember strict mommies can give you what you need as well “smiles” Dommy Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
October 17, 2008

Basket Full Of Goodies!!!!

It is so great to have a basket full of goodies for your nursery. My basket is nice and full for all the wonderful Abies out there 🙂 Lots of cloth and disposable diapers, plastic pants, diaper pins, powder, lotion, warm wipes, Abie toys, and binkies. What fun we have!! If abie is naughty corner time and spanking have to be given, always with love. Sometimes Abies just need some discipline to make them good little Abies. Dommy Mommy Lexus
October 11, 2008

Oh, the Magical World of Fantasy

I love being able to escape reality. When we were young we were able to escape into are little world of imagination so often, now that were older most people dont even dare to. I need the escape to keep me sane. I love to Just Play!!!! And forget all my troubles and worries. It is true freedom, when you can use your mind to get away. No matter where you are….you can just go there in. Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
October 5, 2008

Mommies Sweet Kisses

Mommie loves to give kisses. I remember when I was young and how much I loved when mommy would give me kisses. I loved the way her hair would tickle me as she leaned over me to kiss me. I loved the strawberries on the tummy, I loved the quick pecks on the check. I loved the wet ones and the cold ones after she took a sip of her ice tea. Her kisses were always warm and tender. Awhhh Mommies Sweet Kisses 🙂 MommySara 1-888-430-2010
August 28, 2008

Riddles and Jokes

You walk into a barber shop, there are two barbers. One of the barbers has messy hair and the other has very well cut hair, who do you chose? You have 2 coins that equal 30cents. One of the coins is not a nickel…what are the coins? (yes they’re american money) A guy walks into a bar and says “Ouch”. There are these two guys walking down the street, one with a lab and the other with a chihuahua. The first guy says to the other guy “lets go grab […]
August 20, 2008

No Evil Inside…

Nope, no evil here. I’m just up to no good. You ever have those days when you just feel uncontrollable, that you can’t for the life of you understand why no one else thinks its funny to stick baloney to the kitchen ceiling and wait to see how long it is til it falls off? Ok, so maybe that’s just me. Not that I’ve ever done that and gotten a spanking for it. Nope. No way. *giggles* Are you up to no good? Do you feel like you’ve been so […]
August 15, 2008

Where are all my AB/DLs

One of my favorite things about being a step sister is babysitting my little Ab brothers and sisters and making them try on girlie clothes and hair ribbons. I just moved from Florida to Northern California and it’s a whole other world out here. Now I’m trying to refind all my little brothers and sisters 🙁 Come find me! *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
August 8, 2008

Oh Mandy

So, I was surfing youtube out of boredom and I came across a video by Westlife called ‘Mandy’. It’s an accurate song, it says ‘Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking’ and it’s true! You can come to me and I will give without taking 🙂 Unless you want me to, tee hee. *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
July 10, 2008

Baby Powder

    I was reading a women’s magazine that I picked up and saw an interesting article. Uses for baby powder. It is also good for keeping ants off of your picnic blanket. To do this you just sprinkle a baby powder barrier around it and they can’t get in. If you have necklaces that are tangled up then baby powder will help you untangle the chains. It is also good for removing bloodstains if you mix it with a little water and let it sit on the stain. Then you […]
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