July 8, 2008

Yeah baby we do!

I love all the abies that I babysit for, however the blond ones hold a special little spot in my heart. Just like me, they tend to be free with their thoughts and expressions. They know what they want, and often times know just how to get it to. Nothing like a blond haired blue eyed abie looking up at you after they’ve done something naughty with the “I didn’t do it!” look on their faces. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh along. I suppose I know that look so […]
June 26, 2008

The special lollipop

     My abie has been an all right boy, a little trouble this weekend that just passed but over all good. So I took him to get a new stuffed animal and some candy. Candy is extremely limited in mommy’s house. So once we got home he wanted to share his lollipop with mommy. I thought how sweet, and then I found a way to tease my poor abie in his chastity device. Long slow licks while looking into his eyes. His eyes widened and I could tell he was […]
May 8, 2008

Hewwo Wittle Ones

Hi little ones and co-mommies. We had a good sweet bunch of adult babies in the abdl chat last night. It was nice to see the sissies and abie boys and girls. If you have never come by and chatted, you are missing out. Drop by and say hello. It’s a good way to get to know the mommies, grannies and all of the abdl lovers. It helps to get to know someone a bit before making that call. Mommy Scarlet
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