October 23, 2008

A Nurturing Mommy

A nurturing Mommy can also be a strict Mommy. Even tho I am a strict mommy I love all the Abies out there. Mommies that are strict also cuddle, read stories, play and do fun things as well. Yes I am strict when a baby needs discipline but always with love. So if you need to be nurtured by a Mommy just remember strict mommies can give you what you need as well “smiles” Dommy Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
October 17, 2008

Basket Full Of Goodies!!!!

It is so great to have a basket full of goodies for your nursery. My basket is nice and full for all the wonderful Abies out there 🙂 Lots of cloth and disposable diapers, plastic pants, diaper pins, powder, lotion, warm wipes, Abie toys, and binkies. What fun we have!! If abie is naughty corner time and spanking have to be given, always with love. Sometimes Abies just need some discipline to make them good little Abies. Dommy Mommy Lexus
August 27, 2008

Littlest Ones

I love my littlest abies. So adorable, so helpless, in so much need of someone to coddle them, and take care of them, and hold them, and rock them, and feed them. I have a soft spot for my wee little ones, and can’t help but smile when I hear from them. I love to tickle their tummies and give them little kisses there. It always makes them smile, and that makes me happy. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
August 15, 2008

Where are all my AB/DLs

One of my favorite things about being a step sister is babysitting my little Ab brothers and sisters and making them try on girlie clothes and hair ribbons. I just moved from Florida to Northern California and it’s a whole other world out here. Now I’m trying to refind all my little brothers and sisters 🙁 Come find me! *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
August 8, 2008

Oh Mandy

So, I was surfing youtube out of boredom and I came across a video by Westlife called ‘Mandy’. It’s an accurate song, it says ‘Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking’ and it’s true! You can come to me and I will give without taking 🙂 Unless you want me to, tee hee. *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
July 30, 2008


What more can I say? I’d love to have this one in my wardrobe of goodies. How cute is that! My abie side would love to show off in it too! Yes, I’m a girl and I still wear blue. Pair that up with a cute skirt and a fresh diaper, and off I would skip, happy and content. Wouldn’t you love to dress me up in it? 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 16, 2008

Dirty Thoughts?

Yes, I have been having these thoughts lately. Yes, about you, that’s right. I can’t get you out of my head or off my mind. I need to feel that connection, I want to snuggle with you and cuddle you and hold you close. I want to rock you and feed you. I want to hold you close til you fall asleep in my arms… I guess those thoughts aren’t so dirty. They’re just…sweet…what has gotten into me lately? Ohhh that’s right, you have 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 8, 2008

Yeah baby we do!

I love all the abies that I babysit for, however the blond ones hold a special little spot in my heart. Just like me, they tend to be free with their thoughts and expressions. They know what they want, and often times know just how to get it to. Nothing like a blond haired blue eyed abie looking up at you after they’ve done something naughty with the “I didn’t do it!” look on their faces. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh along. I suppose I know that look so […]
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