June 18, 2009

Let’s play with Play Dough!

Hi sweetie Mommy Laurenis ready for you to come on over and make some fun stuff with my play dough! hehe Lookie just lookie what I made for my ABIEI bet you can make some really neat stuff too! Let’s Play Today ok? Muah..Hugs & kisses, Lauren
May 1, 2009

Story Time

It’s story time! Let’s see, what story shall we read? I have some very special books today. Would you like to hear Rumplestilskin? Little Red Riding Hood?  How about Hansel and Gretel? I just love our special time together, when you’re resting in my lap, suckling on my breast, as I gently rock you and read you a story. Now let’s grab your blanky and teddy, and get you up on my lap, my sweet baby. There we go, all comfy? My breast milk is warm and ready for you […]
October 5, 2008

Mommies Sweet Kisses

Mommie loves to give kisses. I remember when I was young and how much I loved when mommy would give me kisses. I loved the way her hair would tickle me as she leaned over me to kiss me. I loved the strawberries on the tummy, I loved the quick pecks on the check. I loved the wet ones and the cold ones after she took a sip of her ice tea. Her kisses were always warm and tender. Awhhh Mommies Sweet Kisses 🙂 MommySara 1-888-430-2010
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