December 5, 2021

Being A Sissy Has Brought Me Happiness

Dreaming for years about being a sissy finally came into fruition.  It is more than just a sissy fetish for me as I enjoy all aspects of being a girl.  I even have friend that gives me her used sanitary products when she gets her cycle so I can wear them to pretend that I have a cycle also.  Being this way has brought me so much happiness and joy that I never ever want to go back to a place where I am hiding who I am from family, […]
September 19, 2021

ABDL Baby Katie Entertains Herself With Dwarf Porn

It is a Sunday and I am looking to be entertained so I put on the TV to watch a few hours of porn after looking at a specific abdl blog prior to see porn as with that type of entertainment, you could never go wrong.  I started watching a bunch of orgies and that really turned me on.  Chicks walking home who would be approached by a bunch of guys and one of them would ask her if she wanted to fuck and then the corny music would play […]
June 13, 2020

I am locking you in your diapers and you are not coming out

I am locking you in your diapers and you are not coming out. You will experience extreme diaper humiliation from me as that is part of your punishment for being a naughty little abdl baby.  You were told not to release your piss from your clitty sized itty bitty pee pee yet you still pissed yourself without my permission.  How dare you release yourself, you fucking little drippy diaper sissy cunt whore! You thought it was a good idea just because you were getting a headache and experiencing severe cramping […]
September 15, 2018

Slowly Adult Baby Regression Part 1

Michelle felt it as she rolled over and awakened slightly. Something she was getting used to now, the feel of warm wetness and a tiny squish as she rolled over. It was a feeling she enjoyed; the feel of a wet  adult diaper embracing her intimate areas. Usually when she felt it, she would smile a little to herself, hug her pillow, and go back to sleep … sleeping like a baby, as it were. But tonight when she felt it, she felt a little fear and anxiety from it, […]
November 19, 2016

Shopping Trip Part One

Just yesterday I took my Little Sissy Baby Girl to Toys R Us since she has been behaving very well the past week.  I got her out of her nice pink crib in the morning and she looked so happy as I carried her to the changing table,  I could smell it when I walked in the nursery so it was no surprise my little girl had really made a mess of her diapers.  I got out the wipes and baby powder and got her all cleaned up.  I remarked […]
July 3, 2016

Sissy Baby First Time

I’m not sure if everybody’s time is similar but one of my sissy babies told me about the first time they were in diapers and I thought I’d share it with everyone. He told me that having  abdl-sex in them was even better. “In college, my roommate and I got very drunk one night and that’s when the secrets started to spill out. I knew that he loved to try new things and one night he confessed that he wanted to try having sex in a diaper. He told me […]
April 24, 2016

Sissy Humiliation

You would do anything to make your mommy happy. You my favorite, obedient little sissy baby. I tell you that decided that its time for the world to know who you are. Your eyes get wide with fear. All you can think about is what your neighbors and coworkers would think. You’re a very powerful man in this town and being labeled as a sissy baby would ruin you. Of course humiliating you gives me pleasure so I shrug you off and tell you that if you don’t reveal yourself, […]
April 21, 2016

Trouble Pt 3

I made her wonder for a little while just lightly tapping the hairbrush on her little baby bottom from time to time.  Once I knew she wasn’t sure when the spanking would begin, I landed the first smack right in the middle of her two precious cheeks and watched her bottom quiver.  Of course she let out a cry, but I was determined this little girl was going to learn her lesson.  I started scolding her while I spanked in rhythm, “don’t you ever go outside without mommy or daddy […]
January 4, 2016

Diaper Boy

“Wow! Really? So this is why you wont have sex with me! Now I understand. I wasn’t the problem, you are! I can’t believe I find out that my husband is a diaper boy! Don’t look at me like that! Like you’re disgusted. I’m the one that just found my husband jacking off in his diaper. I thought that you didn’t find me attractive but I completely understand now. Is diaper sex what you want? If that’s the case, then I’m sure our sex life can be salvaged. If being […]
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