May 10, 2013

Pay Tribute to your ABDL Mommy

Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need, we require, we call mommy. She is the one that protects us from all dangers, both perceivable and unperceivable; she is the one that makes everything right again, that makes us smile and giggle in a world of fear and doubt. Mommy is the one that holds our hand and lets us know she is there for us.  When we need someone to kiss away a boo-boo and make it all better, […]
October 26, 2012

Halloween Classic

Ya gotta love the classics – and as far as Halloween goes, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has got to be on the top of the list.  There is just something about planting a seed of uneasiness, sprinkle it with a bit of universal primal fear, and then let the imagination and panic grow to a manic state. And of course there are those Adult Babies who beg and cry for a scary story – just before bed.  Now I know that that’s probably not the best idea for a […]
September 27, 2009

Wanted: Abie for a Good Home

Calling all little boys who want a mommy to take care of them. Mommy Gina knows just what you need. Come climb up on my lap and whisper in my ear your secrets. Were you a bad little boy? Do you have a boo-boo that Mommy Gina needs to kiss and make all better? Now don’t lie to me – or Mommy Gina will have to punish you. But if you’re a good boy. I’ll hold you close to my bosom and rock you gently. Do you have a favorite […]
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