May 13, 2011

Naughty Nanny Takes Care of ABies

Some days everything is just normal and normal is perfect. Yesterday was one of those days. I woke up at a decent hour and felt like I had a good sleep. I had a good breakfast and put on a new shirt. I drank my coffee in the sun and then one of my favorite abies called and we played like we always do, and everything was normal and normal was perfect. I changed the big little one’s diaper and even though he was excited I told him to be […]
May 10, 2011

Rainy Day Comfort

When it’s a rainy day you and mommy always go out in the raining. We get our rain boots on, our rain coats and run outside in the rain and splash in the puddles. How much fun is it to splash in the puddles with mommy. Mommy has on a white shirt and because of the rain, you can see right through my shirt. You don’t know why but it excites you and you get a tingly feeling in your diaper. Then when mommy gets cold from the cold rain […]
May 5, 2011

Mother’s Day

  This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so I just wanted to wish all these wonderful Mommies and Sitters and Grannies over at Phone-a-Mommy a wonderful and relaxing day!! I all know how hard each and every one of you works, and there is no other group of ladies who deserve it more!! So put those feet up, place those cucumber slices on those tired eyes, and let those around serve you for a change!   Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!   Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 3, 2011

AB Spankings

Mommy went shopping yesterday and left you with the babysitter. When I got home, mommy had to hear some very bad news…the sitter said that you were being very naughty and not listening to her instruction. You know that mommy always expects you to be on your best behavior when I leave you with the sitter! You know what that means? It means that mommy wants you to go to your room, and patiently wait until mommy comes in to give you some well deserved spanking! And you know that […]
April 29, 2011

Forced Babying For My Boyfriend

Men are made, not born. Not all men become men equally. Not all men act like men. Here’s the story: My boyfriend was annoying me. He wasn’t taking me out, he wasn’t pulling his weight. I came home from a job taking care of a very good, passive little one. I knew my bf had the day off, so I had left a little list for him of things that needed doing around the house. I got home and nothing was done. He was playing video games and the house […]
April 21, 2011

Have a Happy Easter!

Just wanted to wish all you Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers a Happy Easter! Hope the Easter bunny brings you lots of candy and toys in your Easter basket, and maybe something cute and furry as well!  Wouldn’t a couple of little bunnies be wonderful? Gotta have a pair, so they can keep each other company though.     Have a great Easter everyone!! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
April 15, 2011

Nanny’s Secret Tricks

I took care of a darling adult baby today. I was keeping an eye on the little guy while his Mommy was off on a date. He was so cute and sweet and we had a lot of fun until it started to get late and it was time for beddy-bye. ~ He didn’t seem to understand why his Mommy wasn’t home yet. “What’s Mommy doing with that man?” he kept asking? I comforted him, telling him they would be back before long but he was a curious one. I […]
April 11, 2011

Your long overdue

Mommy thinks you have been running around with stinkies in your diaper for far too long! You didn’t let me know that you were all messy but mommy can tell! That means it’s time for a diaper change. First I must tell you that you have done something that causes mommy to be a little disappointed in you. Know why?? It’s because I have told you time and time again that when you know you have made a boo boo in your diaper mommy expects that you will let me […]
April 4, 2011

Abie Daycare

You can’t possibly be left alone all day long with no one to care for you! I’m Mommy Lexus and I am providing Abie daycare for all of you diapered, or in need of diapering Abies! I provide quality care and nurturing 5 days a week, and the occasional weekend care. I take pride in taking care of my diapered little boys and girls, changing and feeding when necessary and also providing disciplinary training. You know that you have to follow the rules of Abie daycare and play nicely! Mommy […]
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