February 20, 2011

Boot-Leg Milk

Have you heard about this? Apparently there is a high demand for breast milk.  Not only that, but because of the testing and processing done to the milk, the price for mother’s milk through legitimate channels seems to be quite high.  This has led to an underground network of “boot-leg” milk, as it were. ~ So I’m reading about this and so many visions are going through my head.  Back street meetings taking place in trench coats and hats pulled down low; the swapping of unmarked envelopes and coolers wrapped […]
February 6, 2011

Uh-oh, I Smell Something …

~ My, oh my – what is that that I smell?  My Abie went and made a messy in his diapy, didn’t he? And right after I told him not to, no less.  Aby is supposed to tell mommy when he has to go poopy, isn’t he?  You know mommy doesn’t allow baby to go messies in his diapy, don’t you!  Now my little one is going to need a changing, but not until he gets a firm spanking!  No whining, or you’ll have to sit in the corner with […]
January 29, 2011

Mother’s Love

  Sometimes there is no substitution for a Mother’s love; the warmth of her embrace, her loving smile, her unconditional love, her ability to chase all the day’s worries away. She can always bring you back to a simpler time – a time where the world was a much smaller place, where you are loved and accepted for who and what you are. ~ Are you looking to return to Mother’s arms once again? Where she will nurse you and care for you, bathe you and diaper you, lull you […]
January 22, 2011

Down the Diaper Isle

~ Confusing, isn’t it? The diaper isle – it’s a little like going down the rabbit hole. There are so many styles and brands and sizes to choose from. One doesn’t know where to begin. There there little one, it will be ok. All you need is a little help. Just go right up to the sales lady and tell her your problem. That your mommy sent you to get diapers and you are not sure what kind to get. Tell her how often you wear them, and how often […]
January 16, 2011

Diaper Dreams

I had a very very strange dream a couple of nights ago. I was walking down a road and I came up on a house, and there were all these AB’s crawling around outside in the grass lol. They were like a flock of birds, like moving as one, one would go to the right they would all go to the right, it was a flock of AB’s. Anyway, there was this woman yelling out the window for them to get in the house, of course they weren’t listening. So […]
January 16, 2011

The Package

It was mid-morning when my doorbell rings. It was the fed-ex delivery guy; he had a package for you, my dear sweet neighbor and boyfriend to my best friend Becky. But no one is there, and he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving it on the doorstep. He asks if I wouldn’t mind holding it for you until you get home. ~ Being the helpful neighbor that I am, naturally I told the fed-ex guy that I would be more then happy to accept the package for you. But when I got […]
January 8, 2011

Have a Coke and a Smile

Ok, so when I saw this, like a thousand different images and scenarios and ideas came swarming into my mind (after the involuntary shudder passed through my body, of course).  Admit it; it did for you as well.  And every Coke catch phrase and advertisement did as well – Can’t Beat the Feeling; Can’t Beat the Real Thing; It’s the Real Thing; The Official Soft Drink of the Summer; Always Coca-Cola; and of course, Have a Coke and a Smile.  Unless of course it is a Mountain Dew bottle – […]
January 6, 2011

Back to Business!

With the holidays past up now and a New Year ahead it is time to get back to business. Of course what that means for me is dirty diapers by the dozen, hungry babies that need breastfed, and many overdue spankings! Mommy Lauren is ready for her task ahead and eager to make sure that my adult babies are too! Your Nursery Awaits! Lauren 1 888 430 2010
January 1, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne! Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne. Did you know? Although the song is traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, in Scotland, where it originates, it is sung on January 25th aka Burns Night, in recognition and celebration of the author and famous poet Robert Burns. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ literally translates from […]
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