December 22, 2015

Nanny Ellas Favorite Things – Part 4

Hello again to all of my Adult Baby and Diaper Lover friends! Things are still in full holiday swing here in Nanny Ellas nursery – and this is the last day for mommy to talk about some of her favorite things! I wonder if any of my bABies have any guesses about what might be mommy’s other favorite thing…probably not because there are so many things left 🙂 Okay so this week I’m going to have to tell you about two 🙂 So first, one of my favorite things are onesies! […]
December 6, 2015

cheer up Mommy

I get disappointed when my adult baby takes his time to talk to me. Sometimes I need to hear my adult baby’s voice when I answer the phone. To shower my attention on my adult baby. It makes me feel wanted and needed. It is a bond that cannot be broken. I show my adult baby I appreciate the attention and needs that the adult baby has for it’s Mommy by placing boundaries and guidelines for how I want my adult baby to be. Though at times it can be […]
November 29, 2015

Oh Adult Babies, I just want to gobble you up!

Happy Turkey Day all my AB/DLs! Turkey Gobbler he will say – Gobble Gobble Gobble it’s Thanksgiving Day! That was a little sing song my aunt would repeat every holiday. My family and I would make the long, 12 hour car ride down south, packed in a car, with a cooler full of baloney and butter sandwiches…. It was actually on one of those long trips that *I* was potty trained. But that’s a story for another day! Oh those sweet and wonderful things we remember from our childhood – […]
November 20, 2015

Nanny Ella is waiting in her ABDL Nursery!

Well hello my lovely little bABies and Diaper Lovers! I am so excited to see you again. Nanny Ella has been away for a little bit, and now I’m back to play! I love to role play with AB/DL on Come visit my nursery; we’ll have so much fun together! Nanny Ella’s nursery has everything an adult baby could ever want – an adult size changing table with wet wipe heater and stocked with both disposable and cloth diapers (oh do I love adding extra inserts to make your […]
November 15, 2015

Stinky Diaper Lover!

When you find yourself in my ABDL nursery, you will notice how many things there are to use to take care of you. When you come to me, like most of my adult babies, I am sure that your diaper will not be clean. More times than not, when I get a new diaper lover, they have a very full and very stinky diaper for me to change! Usually I can smell it as soon as they step into my home, that pungent smell hitting my nostrils and sending me […]
October 18, 2015

Naughty Aby

I found out recently that my aby has been having sex before marriage. I decided to punish him for his naughty behavior, so I decided he deserved a taste of prostate milking. When he came home from work today, I ambushed him in his room. He was very surprised to see his sexy mommy naked except for a pair of thigh high boots and a strap-on. I locked his hands into a pair of handcuffs and pushed him onto his knees. I bent him over so he was on his forearms, […]
September 21, 2015

Stinky Diapers

Yuck! The last thing mommy wants to smell when she gets home is that nasty, stinky diaper you have been wearing since I left for work this morning! You said you could hold it until I came home, but I knew you would never be able to. There is no way your little bladder and your tiny pee pee could hold back all that for the whole day until I got back here to change you. It is kind of funny, and almost sad looking at you sitting over there, […]
September 18, 2015

Potty Training

What are you doing my adult baby? Are you trying to use the potty like a big boy again? You know you’re not allowed to use the potty anymore! Ever since you decided to keep wetting the bed like a naughty boy Mommy has decided to keep you in diapers from now on. I am so tired of washing your sheets day after day always telling Mommy that it won’t happen again but it always does! Mommy can’t trust your word anymore so I just decided to eliminate the problem […]
September 13, 2015

Pretty Little Diaper Sissy

I am a loving, nurturing MILF. I do not like to have to repeat myself or raise my voice. Unless in a sexy role play, my typical demeanor is one that commands obedience and a submissive attitude. The perfect little sissy would know their place and acknowledge my full dominance over every aspect of their life without me ever having to utter a word. That is a tell-tale sign of a perfectly trained sissy slut. When mommy comes home from a long day and is tired, do you think she […]
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