June 3, 2013

Such a Little Crybaby!

Go ahead and keep crying like a sissy! I told you what would happen if you couldn’t act like a big boi, so don’t even start this crying and begging nonsense! If you can’t be a big boi for Nanny, then you’ll be my little girl. No! No sense crying and trying to look pitiful, you were warned and chose not to listen. Nanny has rules, and you have to obey them without question. There now, take a deep breath, dry your eyes and listen to Nanny. Bring your weepy […]
May 2, 2013

My Fussy, Hungry ABy

Mommy’s ABy is fussy today! I’ve bathed you, given you a fresh crinkly diapey, rocked you, and nothing seems to soothe you. You won’t take your pacifier and you’ve thrown your bottle down everytime I offer it. Does ABy want Mommy’s milk? Does Aby need to suckle on Mommy’s full, warm titties? You take me into your mouth with a contented sigh. With your eyes closed, you snuggle closer, nursing loudly and happily. What a greedy ABy you are! It makes Mommy feel so good to have you pressed against […]
March 31, 2013

Pink Shoes

Baby girl just had to try on my Pink Shoes but they were a perfect fit for the baby girl i was so surprised she danced all over the floor showing off that she could wear grandma’s shoes we laughed and danced together we had so much fun but then it was time for a diaper change and that baby girl really looks forward to having that done.Well sometimes she does then there is times that she likes to play this game of hide and seek then i close my […]
March 28, 2013

Happy Egg Day

Just wanted to wish all my adult babies, sissies, and diaper lovers out there a Happy Easter, and give you a little reminder – don’t forget to double check those Easter eggs!  Don’t want a bunch of tye-dyed, hippie type chicks running around, do we?  Next thing ya know there’s a funny smell coming from the coop, and a bunch of chickens running around with a severe case of the munchies, scratching “make love, not omelets” in the dirt.  NOT something you want to witness, trust me, hehe!!  Well anyways […]
March 9, 2013

Surprise Sissy Baby Make Over

I love surprising someone when I inform them of their new role of not just an abie, but of a sissy baby! I tell them that they are the guest of honor at a baby shower, and lead them to their newly decorated nursery, complete with a pink crib and all the frilly trimmings! They have the most cutest, dumbfounded looks on their faces when they realize that this is going to be their new life, hehe. I just pat them on their heads, take them by the hand, and […]
December 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Disguise

Ok, you have to admit, these are adorable.  Perfect for all you adult babies who don’t want to be recognized for the paci-sucking Abies you are.  Just slip one of these puppies in your mouth and WHAA-LA! Instant disguise, heeheehee.  No one will know it’s you behind that mustache ;).  They won’t look at you sorta sideways, then look to see if you’ve got a thick adult diaper on to match that baby button that’s been popped in your mouth …naaaaahhhh…. LOL! Such wonderful little Adult Babie phone sex sessions […]
November 7, 2012


You know what is coming next, don’t you…you were warned…haven’t I made the rules crystal clear? I am not an unreasonable person, am I? The rules are simple to understand, are they not? And I have explained the punishment for breaking them, haven’t I? Made sure you understood? That you knew what would happen on the first infraction… on the second infraction…for repeated infractions? Did you think that you would be able to do what you did without my knowledge? That I would not find out? Now tell me, tell […]
April 15, 2012

Playing Dress Up with Mommy

Remember when you were a little boi and you watched lil sister trying on all mommys clothes and you wanted to be the one playing dress up with Mommy? Well don’t worry, Mommy Josie will let you try on all her cute little frilly dresses and walk around in her high heels.  We can pick out dresses together and do each others hair.  You really want to walk around in my pretty high heel shoes too don’t you?  Well you can wear any of them except the red ones.  Those are for […]
November 18, 2011

ABDL Training

My new little ABDL boy was crawling around on the floor in his diaper and I noticed that apparently he forgot the rules that he wasn’t allowed to make squirties without permission. He was grinding his peepee against his diaper against the floor. Little jackoff boy was humping his diaper on the floor. How cute.   I guess putting all that Vaseline all over his pathetic little peepee when I changed his diaper last was a mistake.   “Ok, well if you want to break the rules then here, mommy […]
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