February 3, 2013

Mutual Diaper Changes with Mommy

You love diapers and so does Mommy. I love playing in my diapers with my ABie boys. No one understands your needs and desires more when it comes to wearing than this mommy. I know just how you feel when you slip into that soft comfy diaper. How the troubles of the world just melt away. And to have a mommy who can share that diapered experience makes it even better. This mommy doesn’t just care for you, I truly understand you. And I love to talk about diapers to. […]
March 27, 2010

What Is This?

I have no clue what the heck this thing is. Do you? Some sort of pillow? But with silicone nipples? I can just see grandma knitting this. A very warped, not all together there grandma. I wonder if there are some sort of chambers behind the nipples that you can fill with milk, or water, or GHB. I kid. If anyone really does know what the heck this is please tell me, because I am truly stumped. Mommy Lizabeth 1-888-430-2010
March 26, 2010

3 Minute Brownies

I made these and I have to say..YUUUUUUMMMMY! Nothing says yum like a brownie….actually I guess if brownies could say anything at all it would be more along the lines of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH as you bite into them. Thank Goodness they actually don’t do that! And even if they did I would still stuff them into my mouth with ever maddening glee! Who would of thought eating a brownie could be come such a deviant act. Me of course! Enjoy *shoves the last pleading and screaming bit of chocolate goodness into […]
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