September 5, 2020

Sissy Slut Sierra

Sissy Slut Sierra, is the name that I gave to my neighbor’s husband.  He had been coming around every time I had an issue with my house and he has always fixed it. It was by accident one day while he was bent over fixing a leak under my kitchen sink that I noticed a that he was wearing a silky pink panty with ruffles peeking up from his droopy jeans. Without warning I walked behind him and placed my hand in his pants and tugged on the panty then […]
July 18, 2020

Forced To Be A Sissy Baby

You really should try to remember to wipe your browser history on a more regular basis, dear. At least when you have been looking up things that you might not want me to find, anyway. I’m sure you didn’t want me to find out that you’ve been searching terms like ‘diaper humiliation’, ‘sissy baby’, and ‘forced sissification’. I personally thing this is one of those situations where fantasy is a whole lot more fun than reality, but I’m willing to give it a shot for you, whether you actually want […]
June 26, 2011

Adult Bed Wetter

I have had enough Jeremy; my boyfriend wet the bed again this morning. He makes up these lame excuses that he spilt his water or didn’t dry off well after his shower. OMG these excuses are getting old. I am not going to pretend any longer aiding him in this shard! Nope, not a day longer. “Oh, Jeremy hun, I need you to shop with me today, I want you to help me pick out your Birthday gift.” I knew this was the only way to get him to come […]
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