February 10, 2013

Diapered Husband

Your wife called me today. And yes YOU know who YOU are. lol She was pretty hot with you. I bet at this very moment she has you over her knee and is reddening that little tush,LOL! She warned me that you will be calling me later tonight for some AB sitter punishment after she is done with you. You are also to confess and to tell me what punishment she doled out so that I can come up with something suitable to go along with it. So apparently you […]
January 27, 2013

Mommy is just not going to have this silly nonsense anymore. Little AB boys DO NOT put their hands in their diapers. And they DO NOT look at naughty pics on the computer when Mommy or the AB sitter are not looking. Mommy has had quite enough. It is time for drastic measures. I have a few ideas in mind to punish you and deter you from sneaking a wank in your wet diaper. Yes, that means diaper chastity. Locking diapers and chastity devices will need to be employed for […]
January 13, 2013

Real men don’t wet their pants

Looks like somebody really needs a diaper.  There is no use denying it. You can whine and cry, which actually just reiterates the fact that you are indeed more baby than man. Your wife, now needs to become your mommy. And you will be banished to a crib and will no longer be sleeping in your mommy’s bed.  And best part of all. I am going to get a pretty little adult baby sitter, like Samantha, to come tease you about being a grown man in diapers. How does that […]
November 2, 2012


Mommy doesn’t like to have to do this ABie. But you have been naughty for the last time. Little ABie hands do not belong in little ABie diapers. And escaping from your crib, well that is unacceptable. Mommy is very nice…until she’s not,haahaa. And you have now just committed your last naughty act. Mommy ordered you a brand new sleep sac. One to keep ABie safe but it will double just fine as a nice punishment for when ABie doesn’t want to listen to mommy. Mommy will bundle you up, […]
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