August 14, 2010

First Bike

Do you remember your very first bike? Training wheels and all! Do you remember all that hard work with Mom outside trying to ride it all on your own? No training wheels? No Hands? Mom making sure you were covered top to bottom in protective gear? Well if it was long ago you may not recall protective gear, but Moms heart was still all a flutter I asure you! I remember my first bike ride and how proud I felt when mom let go of the handle bars and the […]
November 15, 2009

Come on baby it’s time for bed. Crawl into mommy’s lap with your favorite balnkie and let me tell you a story. In a land far away in another time and place there was a man. That man was very unhappy. He had to wear big boy clothes and go to a big boy job. This man didn’t like to have to be  big boy. One day he met a beautiful woman. This woman told the man that she is a witch and she could tell he was very unhappy. […]
June 11, 2009

Happy Thirsty Thursday!

Hello Darlings, Just wanted to say “Happy Thursday” or maybe “Happy Thirsty Thursday” hope all your bottles are full and your relaxing happily in your diapers. If anyone is in need of a nice full breast of warm, sweet, Lauren milk then please feel free to give me a call I have plenty on tap …always… Muah! Lauren
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