November 15, 2009

Come on baby it’s time for bed. Crawl into mommy’s lap with your favorite balnkie and let me tell you a story. In a land far away in another time and place there was a man. That man was very unhappy. He had to wear big boy clothes and go to a big boy job. This man didn’t like to have to be  big boy. One day he met a beautiful woman. This woman told the man that she is a witch and she could tell he was very unhappy. […]
September 12, 2009

Diaper Duty

Okay I’m ready. Got the diapers, the powder, the wipes, the bottle, the formula, the lotion, the onesie, the blanket, and the paci. I’m all ready for you. I have everything I need for an evening of babysitting you. But do you know what I’m missing? I’m missing you sweetie. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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