April 5, 2012

ABDL Play Time With Mommy Lauren

All Adult Babies at one point or another like to play with their toys and they make sure they allow themselves a little ABDL Play Time. They love rattles, little cars, duckies, stuffed animals, and of course; the ever popular; building blocks. Now of course that short list does not include everything that a sweet, or bad, little Adult Baby can and will play with. However, I do realize that play is an important part of Adult Baby’s life, and Mommy should take part in that. Sitting on the floor, […]
March 21, 2012

Adult Baby Easter Basket

Ahh, spring time – such a wonderful time of the year.  The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are starting to bloom, and everything is once again anew.   And with spring time comes Easter – so many preparations to make.  There are eggs to color, Easter dresses to shop for (oh yes, sissies, you will be going to the department store with mommy to try on dresses for Easter), the planning of the annual Easter egg hunt, and of course Easter baskets to stuff. Now chocolates and sweets are all […]
September 4, 2011

Take a stroll with Mommy!

Mommy Sara can smell Autumn in the air and there is no better time then now to take a nice long stroll with your ABDL Mommy Sara! I love to pamper my adult babies loving on them, playing with them and making certain they have all the latest baby toys in the nursery! But this time of year is when Mommy Sara loves to take you out and about, it is cooling down and why I want to show off my adult baby in public to all the neighbors dressed […]
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