June 24, 2011

Naughty Nanny!

If Mommy only knew what goes on when she leaves her little abie at Nanny Ella’s Nursery! Nanny loves to play naughty with little abies. Come sit on my lap, sweety. I’ll snuggle you and cuddle you while you nuzzle into my chest. I’m going to unbutton my blouse and open the front so you can press your warm cheek against my soft tits and find my nipple with that sweet, wet little mouth. It feels so good that it gets me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts and when […]
June 2, 2011

ABDL Mommy to Care for you.

Are you an adult baby boy who has no Mommy to care for you? That is so sad and breaks my heart! I am an ABDL Mommy who loves to care for adult babies such as yourself. I am very nurturing and am not at all afraid of a wet stinky poop filled diaper! I love to breastfeed my adult babies, to nurse them when they are ill, to make their tummies feel better with a potent enema, and most of all to encourage you to fill those diapers with […]
February 20, 2011

Boot-Leg Milk

Have you heard about this? Apparently there is a high demand for breast milk.  Not only that, but because of the testing and processing done to the milk, the price for mother’s milk through legitimate channels seems to be quite high.  This has led to an underground network of “boot-leg” milk, as it were. ~ So I’m reading about this and so many visions are going through my head.  Back street meetings taking place in trench coats and hats pulled down low; the swapping of unmarked envelopes and coolers wrapped […]
February 17, 2011

Breastfeeding Fetish

Mommy Lauren loves to cuddle you my little ABDL. I know you are hungry sweetpea, so let mommy open up her blouse and breastfeed my little one. You get so excited, dont you? Awww, that is so cute. Mommy loves how excited you get at the sight of her full breast. Thats it now just latch on sweetpea, Mommy will let you suckle to your hearts content and till you feel all tingly down in that diaper *laughs* I know you going to full that diaper now arent you sweetpea? […]
April 1, 2009

A Delightful Lesson

On my run this morning, I happened to notice all the trees getting green and the color coming back to the bark. It made me think of the beauty that is all around us. As a mommy, I feel it’s my duty to share with my babies all the things that encourage wonderment and delight. So here you are my babies.. A beautiful work of living art to enjoy.               Have a wonderful day 🙂 Nurse Betty 1-888-430-2010
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