August 19, 2013

diapers for days

Do not despair we have diapers for days. You should come prepared to be pampered and praised. A mommy is like a warm blanket security around you and being assured if you need someone to run too. If you are a good adult baby,sissy,sub or diaper lover you may even have fun while we do what we do. Bring us your dreams and your fetishes as well for we never fail to please you. Making a day at the park an adventure that you do not want to end. Keep the sexy going again and again! Kisses and huggies to all the sweet sissies that enjoy needing mommy time or just a friend! Crissy 1*888*430*2010
July 29, 2013

Diapered in a dungeon

 Diapered in restraints down in my dark  lit femdom dungeon. You take that dildo pacifier nice and slow or I will put you in the rack and stretch your balls till  they are sore! The corporate world you hide in has no idea how much of a worthless loser you really are  perhaps I should invite a few of them down to my dungeon for drinks and a round of pin the tail on the diaper sissy. Would that frighten you to be seen as the sniveling coward you are in your raggedy diaper and chains by all the judgmental slobs that work at your office?  Veronika 1*888*430*2010
May 27, 2013

adult nanny and the troublesome adult toddler

I am an adult nanny and you my toublesome adult toddler think you will get away with all that misbehaving I do not think so. Get over here on your nannies lap so I can spank you hard you clever little thing putting things in your diaper so my hand will not hit that bottom. I will fix that maybe you require a more severe brand of diaper punishment! Naughty little abie you will not be able to sit for a week! silly of you to like to wet your diaper don’t you know it is a bad boy that does that and makes nanny upset. Crissy
April 19, 2013

In Denial

Try as he might he could no longer denial he was a big baby faggot  he tried so hard to say he wasn’t but all the proof that anyone needs is here in the picture.Even says  he doesn’t wear diapers but pfft guess what he has on.Are you a baby in denial not admitting to anyone that you are just a big sissy baby like this one is that loves to suck his thumb wet his diapers and sometimes even messes in them i just bet you are sitting there shaking your head as you read about this sissy baby that was in denial and now its  out there where everyone knows that he is a sissy  baby faggot.Just take a look around the room your sitting in by time your eyes meet back the point you started from even in those hidden places you have hidden diapers,bottles, nipples,baby wipes,powders,lotion just anything that you have that a baby would use if you have that in your place then guess what you are a sissy baby. Victoria 1.888.430.2010
April 8, 2013

adult diaper play

    Adult diaper play In an abie nursery you find a big blanket and a cushy diaper just waiting for you. On the changing table you go with that messy diaper whew! makes mommy hold her nose. Sliding that stinky diaper off I wipe you up and down with abie wipes and I slip a fresh diaper under  your bottom then pull the diaper tapes to the sides. You are now ready to have some mommy milk  this is definitely one of your fave parts of being babied! Mommy picks you up and slips her nice big breast out of her nightie and you latch on to her nipple. Veronika 1*888*430*2010
March 12, 2013

Back in Diapers

There was this little tiny fellow that loved wearing his big boy underwear so much,because it made him feel so big and important but thing was he just couldn’t make to the big boy potty in time he was always wetting his big boy underwear i kept warning him time and time again but he just didn’t or wouldn’t listen to me.I told him one more time and it was back to diapers for him. So out to play he goes i am watching from my kitchen window as he swings and plays in the sandbox with his cars and trucks and shovels and buckets he kepts out thing i know here he comes making a dive thru the kitchen door granny i am wet i am so sorry guess what happened to that naughty little boy you got back in diapers he was not too happy he was but he didn’t have a choice either. Now he can go outside and play and not have to worry about all those accidents he was having he can enjoy all the fun of being a big baby which he knew deep down he already was. Minnie 1.888.430.2010
March 6, 2013

Diaper Change

Diaper change is what your wanting but why would you want it changed doesn’t it feel so much better all messy and wet.I know you enjoy the feel of it when you get it that way.And then you still come crying oh please please change my diaper and i will keep telling you its not time yet. And yet you think it is but its not time you haven’t had the diaper on long enough not nearly long enough i told you when i changed it yesterday that you would wear this one until i said other wise did i not.I said and i quote you will wear this diaper until i decide to change it and not before so might as well get up off the floor your leaking everywhere.Now run along  i will think about when i will give you a diaper change Victoria 1.888.430.2010.
February 24, 2013


  Diaperloving Give me that pudgy pair of adult baby legs that I can tickle, tickle. I wanna see dimples and rosy cheeks little one’s that play with their feet. Naughty milk lover’s who can not get enough of mommies sweet juices. Crinkel,Crinkel thick white with tape to the sides & sometimes teddy bears too. Diaper play for me Diaper play for you! I love the sight of a bare bottom over my knee knowing that I get to swat that ass with glee. Bet you wanna wrap up in this blankie tight while mommy rocks you to a sweet and comforting night night.   Veronika 1*888*430*2010
February 3, 2013

Mutual Diaper Changes with Mommy

You love diapers and so does Mommy. I love playing in my diapers with my ABie boys. No one understands your needs and desires more when it comes to wearing than this mommy. I know just how you feel when you slip into that soft comfy diaper. How the troubles of the world just melt away. And to have a mommy who can share that diapered experience makes it even better. This mommy doesn’t just care for you, I truly understand you. And I love to talk about diapers to. Maybe after mommy gives you a change you would like to learn to be a good boy and change mommy’s diaper too? I would really enjoy that. Can you imagine that? Laying mommy down on your changing pad, gently spreading my legs. Making sure to wipe me clean and powder my bottom thoroughly. Make it nice, soft and smelling good. What do you think? Sound like a plan? I will change you if you change me,heehee. Give mommy a call. I think my diaper is getting awfully wet so you better hurry… ~Mommy Josie 888~430~2010
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