January 6, 2013

Forced into a diaper at gun point? Well that’s one way to do it,lol! I have lots of ideas on how to get you into those diapers and doing whatever I say. They vary from the sensual side to the more…violent side,heehee. Just depends on how far you want to go. I prefer coercion. But if you don;t want to play nice then the diaper Domme side of me may just have to make an appearance. Does that get your attention now? Why yes, I think it does. I have […]
January 5, 2013

Diaper Fetish

It never surprises me how many people really enjoy the diaper fetish. There is something so naturally wonderful about changing someone in diapers. It is just a hot process where we can totally connect and I love how turned on you get from all the processes. It is so much more than just wearing them and I can always spot someone who is into the lifestyle because they revel in every step, every nuance. You know that, my diaper lover. You know the first time you ever bought diapers. You […]
January 21, 2010


What is it you do when you are happy? And what one thing makes you the happiest in the world? When I am very happy and don’t have a care in the world, I dance. I love to dance around, and sing along with what ever song I happen to have on. I don’t care if I dance badly, I don’t care if I look silly at all. Sometimes we stop ourselves from doing things because of what other people might say. Who cares? Really. I mean what is the […]
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