June 6, 2010

Messy Messy Messy

When I was growing up during the Christmas Holiday Season (yes I realize it’s almost summer lol) we would watch christmas specials that would come on. We used to get excited about it too. One of my favorites was Frosty The Snowman and it was because the magician used to say those three words that I used in the title of this blog. It wasn’t just the words but the way he said it. For some reason it would make me laugh, I was a very strange child what can […]
June 5, 2010

Doing Cute

I normally don’t do the cute thing. It’s not me. NOT…AT…ALL! But I found some pictures online and just had to say AWWWWWWW lol. Almost made myself ill doing so too. Wanna see them? Why of course you do, so here they are: Okay I only put three, my favorite is the last picture because they are cupcakes. I love me some cuppycakes! MMMMMMMMMMM! I think I am going to go and make some! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
October 2, 2009

New Panties

Check out the new panties I got. Are they not the best panties ever!! Now I usually do disposables but on occasion I like to play in cloth. And who could pass these up? I know a certain lil sissy who will be very happy to see these also. If she is a very good girl, maybe mommy will give them to her. Mommy Josie
October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hey there to all my ab/dl’s Nanny Rachel is anxiously waiting for your call to hear all about your costume for halloween. This time of year is always so much fun because you can be whatever you want to be. don’t shy I am here to tell all your dirty little secrets too. I will be waiting xoxoxoxox Nanny Rachel
May 8, 2008

Hewwo Wittle Ones

Hi little ones and co-mommies. We had a good sweet bunch of adult babies in the abdl chat last night. It was nice to see the sissies and abie boys and girls. If you have never come by and chatted, you are missing out. Drop by and say hello. It’s a good way to get to know the mommies, grannies and all of the abdl lovers. It helps to get to know someone a bit before making that call. Mommy Scarlet
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