October 16, 2010

Will you Walk into my Parlour…

“Will you walk into my Parlour, said the Spider to the Fly” – I absolutely adore that line.  It always goes through my head as I lure an unsuspecting victim into my lair.  They always seem quite surprised when they find themselves trapped in such a state – unable to escape, to run away, or sometimes even move LOL!  Forced to submit to and accept their new life, be it as an aby, a sissy, or my personal play thing.  Yes indeed, I do so adore that line!  So what say you, my little fly?  Will you walk into my parlour? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
October 2, 2010

Bare or Hair?

There has been some discussion if ABies should shave from the neck down or not as of late.  I believe that this is a perfect example as to why all you little ones should indeed go bare. The only question now is should one use a blade, clippers, or wax.  Perhaps something a little more permanent – maybe electrolysis or laser treatments?  Me?  I think that I would like to use wax for my babies (and I’m talking about waxing them personally, or at least escorting them to the salon to instruct the technician and to oversee the entire procedure, hehe).  But I think we can all agree, at least in this case, bare is DEFINITELY better then hair! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
September 29, 2010

day with Mommy

October can be a busy month. In my abie’s family there are a few Birthdays to celebrate, we have Halloween, those are the main ones we celebrate. I found out that October is also National Go on a Field Trip month. What a fun month for trips. You don’t have to be a teacher or student to enjoy a field trip. I want you to think of all of the fun places close by your home that you may over look all of the time. Which ones would you like to visit? It’s also a good opener for a phone call with one of our Mommies. How about Mommy taking you to the zoo, the library, the park, or any other fun spot we come up with. Little trips away from home mean diaper bags and holding hands with Mommy to stay close little ones. See what you can come up with and call to see where our Mommies may want to talk you.   Mommy Scarlet
September 18, 2010

Time-Out Chair

Look what I got for all my naughty, naughty little ones! A special chair just for you. And I have a special place for it - right in the corner. Won’t eat your veggies? Talking back to Mommy Gina? Were you being mean to the other little ones on the playground? Then in the chair you will go! But before you end up in the chair, Mommy Gina will have to paddle that little hinnie of yours. So next time you think about being bad, just remember that you will end up in this chair – with a very red hinnie! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
September 5, 2010

Mommy Dearest

Ok, so I know that I can usually be seen as a sweet, loving mommy who likes to have lots of fun – and that’s true (mostly). But there is a strict, dommy side that I like to indulge in as well. With that in mind, let me share with you what I have been pondering. Seems that some little ones like to be mommy’s little helper, or be trained as sissy maids. This is all fine and dandy, but rarely are the chores set before them done to my satisfaction. Now the question is what is the appropriate punishment that will instill a proper work ethic and make them strive to perform to my standards? The first punishment for failure might seem a bit harsh – an enema administered with an inflatable nozzle to ensure non-leakage. Then the task would have to be performed again while they hold their water, nozzle still in place. I would be standing over them watching every movement, with a stop watch in hand, but not giving any signs of approval or disapproval. This would add to the anxiety that they would already be feeling. I would not even tell them the time frame in which the task would have to be performed and, trust me, there would indeed be a time requirement. If, after the second go at the task they have failed once again, then they would go over my knee, bare-assed, water still inside them, and be given a long and harsh paddling. The nozzle would be removed, but instead of letting them got to the potty to empty their bowels, the diaper would go back on, with a very snug pair of rubber pants over top of them. This would force them to fill their diaper to the brim while they try and complete the task yet again. Now, if for some reason the chore was not done properly yet again, well, lets just say that I have a very long list of punishments at my disposal – from guzzling castor oil, being forced to hold a bar of soap in their mouth with their teeth, various forms of spankings with various implements, the tightly tying of genitalia, and the standing in a metal wash tub in the front yard until there is crap streaming out the edges of the diaper and down their legs. And I haven’t even touched on the subject of what I would do with a candy thermometer. Needless to say, the list goes on and on. So, have I burst your bubble on what a sweet, gentle mommy I am? And more interestingly, as these visuals settle in the recesses of your mind, do they fuel your worst nightmare, or your wettest fantasy? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
August 27, 2010

Last Week of Summer

Oh it’s Friday again. A lot of the babies and diaper lovers have 2 whole days off for themselves. What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to spend extra time in diapers? Hmm well whatever it is I hope that you have a fun weekend. I’m waiting for next weekend, Labor Day weekend. The last weekend of the summer activities around here. I have one last week to splash around in the outside pool before closing it up for another year. Mommy Shirley
August 21, 2010

Demon or Angel?

As with many people, I seem to have an angel on one shoulder and a demon sitting on the other, with both whispering in my ear what to do. My angel says that I should forgive my little one and let his little indiscretions slide. That I should hold him tight and shower him with kisses and love. My demon on the other hand, is telling me that he needs to be punished – severely. A paddling that leaves his hinny red, raw and welted, then forcing him to stay in a dirty, soiled diaper ‘til an extreme rash has formed, and perhaps a strong enema so speed up the soiled diaper process (and this is just for starters – my demons can be quite imaginative). The question is, which one will win out? Which one will hold sway – my demons or my angels? Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
July 31, 2010

My Kinda Crib

Ok, so here’s another gem of an antique. No big crib that locks for my little ones – ohh noooooo!! Hehe. Just enough room to lie down and keep still. I dare say, they did know how to punish little ones back in the day. No squirming allowed here; heck, no squirming here is possible. Can you imagine, laying in here, unable to move, just wetting over and over again, not being able to avoid the rash and bed sores from forming, at the mercy of your keeper. Ya know, I think I’ll have to have one made up special! Maggie 1*888*430*2010
July 24, 2010

Bubble Fun

I absolutely love sitting on the front step and just blow bubbles. So when I saw these pics I was thinking to myself, wow now he must REALLY love bubbles! Those are some HUGE bubbles! LOL! Can you imagine the time he put into creating that huge bubble maker, and I wonder what special ingredient he added to his soap mixture so they wouldn’t pop under their own weight. Idk, but they sure look like a lot of fun! Mommy Gina 1-888-430-2010
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