July 17, 2010


…yes my dear, part of your sissy training is learning how to be with a man – how to please him, how to touch him, how to react to his touch. Now don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you through the whole process. I’ll be instructing you how to use your mouth, your sissy hole, your hands, to pleasure whom ever I bring to you, when ever I bring them to you. You will be instructed how to be the perfect little girl, to do as you are told without question, to dress in a pleasing and seductive way, and to actually offer yourself to others for their pleasure. It may be difficult for you at times, and this may lead to punishments…severe punishments…but through the tears and cries, you will come to realize that the instructions you receive are for your own good… Now, she we begin? Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
July 10, 2010


Now this gave me such a tickle when I saw it! Poor little kitty! But then I was thinking, what a wonderful way of keeping an especially naughty little one under wraps, so to speak, hehe. Keeping them wrapped up snuggly and firmly so they can not squirm or misbehave or, heaven forbid, try and touch their little weewee in their diaper (like they try to do so very often, tsk tsk). So after an afternoon, or even a full day and night of being bound and denied of any movement of any kind, I believe I would have a very compliant and obedient ABie on my hands, willing to do (or not do) whatever I ask of them – exactly how I like my ABies, hehehe. Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
July 3, 2010

Happy Fourth!

Can you believe it? It’s the fourth already! Hope everyone is having a great time – picnics, barbeques, sprinklers and pools, and of course fireworks (I personally look forward to the water balloon fights)! But remember to be safe and take it easy on the “adult” drinks (or as one Abie says, adult apple juice, hehe). Happy Fourth of July!! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
June 19, 2010

Potty or Torture Chair?

Ok, I have to admit it; I have a fascination with interesting and unusual antiques, items, and old pieces. So it’s no surprise that this old potty chair caught my eye. The fact that there are  straps really peak my interests. Such diabolical torture that must have been taken place in this chair – makes me all a giggle, hehehehe! I’m thinking a triple dose of castor oil and then strap them down for the day! Perhaps even a strategical placement in the public eye!   Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
June 11, 2010

Tree Envy

So what can I say about this – I mean seriously (between all my giggles and snickers). If this doesn’t give you little ones penile envy and a severe inferiority complex, I don’t know what will, LOL! I know, you keep pulling your diaper out so you can look down at that itty bitty thing in there, then look back up at this picture – then back down and back at the tree. And THAT, my little darling, is the difference between a grown-up peepee and that teeny tiny little aby weewee you have tucked away in that diaper of yours! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
June 11, 2010

a diaper and a movie

There are so many new movies coming out to see this summer. From Marmaduke to Toy Story 3, The Karate Kid and even Ramona and Beezus. It just might be time to rethink dinner and a movie and make it diaper and a movie. That would be a more accurate description of a movie trip with Mommy. That way you don’t miss one moment of the movie that you can’t pause or rewind to catch back up on. Plus you won’t have to deal with public bathrooms, and that is always a plus. So what movies are you anxious to see? Mommy Scarlet
May 29, 2010

Always a Mommy

My callers always ask me about my job here at www.phoneamommy.com. I tell them how much I love it. Then they ask if I ever get tired of doing Mommy Calls. My answer is always the same, no, no I do not. I have been working here for a long time now, and it’s a pure joy for me to do so. I get to play many roles, Mommy, Aunt, Nanny, Next Door Neighbor, Random Woman who seduces the caller and on and on it goes. Now I ask you, how could you get tired of doing that when it’s always different? I luv each and everyone of you, even those who haven’t called me yet, because I’m a full time mom here and mom’s love all abies . Gina 1*888*430*2010  
May 22, 2010

Finger Painting

I was looking around for finger paints, and look what I came across!  Isn’t it fabulous?  The art work is so intricate and life like, you almost forget that there is just a hand under all that paint and not gloves of some sort.  Can you imagine how long something like that takes to complete?  This beats a hand puppet any day of the week!  All I know is if it were me, I would have plastic gloves on to keep them unspoiled, and not wash my hands for a month, lol. Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 16, 2010

Lil’ Kitchen Helper

So, I’m preparing to make some Portuguese sweet bread, and I was thinking wouldn’t it be great if I had a little kitchen helper here with me. We could have matching aprons, and you could help me gather all the ingredients and bring them to the table. Once all the ingredients have been mixed, you can help me kneed the dough until it is just right. You would look so cute with flour smudged across your face and on your nose! Then once it has risen, and is ready to go into the oven, you can watch it grow as the sweet smell fills the house. Then of course I would let you have a taste of the best bread in the whole wide world, because we made it together! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
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