May 2, 2013

My Fussy, Hungry ABy

Mommy’s ABy is fussy today! I’ve bathed you, given you a fresh crinkly diapey, rocked you, and nothing seems to soothe you. You won’t take your pacifier and you’ve thrown your bottle down everytime I offer it. Does ABy want Mommy’s milk? Does Aby need to suckle on Mommy’s full, warm titties? You take me into your mouth with a contented sigh. With your eyes closed, you snuggle closer, nursing loudly and happily. What a greedy ABy you are! It makes Mommy feel so good to have you pressed against […]
April 26, 2013

Sissification Phone Sex: Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you?  So does Mommy.  I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the boys in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite boy to play with.  Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be an irresistible little gurl for him.  How lucky he will be won’t he?  He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we […]
November 7, 2012


You know what is coming next, don’t you…you were warned…haven’t I made the rules crystal clear? I am not an unreasonable person, am I? The rules are simple to understand, are they not? And I have explained the punishment for breaking them, haven’t I? Made sure you understood? That you knew what would happen on the first infraction… on the second infraction…for repeated infractions? Did you think that you would be able to do what you did without my knowledge? That I would not find out? Now tell me, tell […]
April 15, 2012

Playing Dress Up with Mommy

Remember when you were a little boi and you watched lil sister trying on all mommys clothes and you wanted to be the one playing dress up with Mommy? Well don’t worry, Mommy Josie will let you try on all her cute little frilly dresses and walk around in her high heels.  We can pick out dresses together and do each others hair.  You really want to walk around in my pretty high heel shoes too don’t you?  Well you can wear any of them except the red ones.  Those are for […]
November 18, 2011

ABDL Training

My new little ABDL boy was crawling around on the floor in his diaper and I noticed that apparently he forgot the rules that he wasn’t allowed to make squirties without permission. He was grinding his peepee against his diaper against the floor. Little jackoff boy was humping his diaper on the floor. How cute.   I guess putting all that Vaseline all over his pathetic little peepee when I changed his diaper last was a mistake.   “Ok, well if you want to break the rules then here, mommy […]
November 15, 2011

I Have Just What You Need

  Awww, my little man keeps squirming and holding his hand down below his belly, like he’s so very uncomfortable down there.  I know what you need – a nice, warm enema to get things moving the way they should and make everything right as rain again!  Now now, stop your fussing, mommy knows what’s best for you.  You’ll feel so much better when that warm water starts flowing deep inside you! And don’t you be worried or embarrassed about that little “swelling” you get between your legs every time […]
November 10, 2011

Nanny Ella’s Toy Box

Nanny Ella’s Nursery is well-stocked with all kinds of fun toys for Abies to play with but only my most special little ones get to peek in Nanny’s own personal toy box. It’s full of bright plastic toys but not like the ones in the nursery! This one is called a dildo. I know, it’s a funny name, and it’s even more fun to play with. Curious little ones will always have their questions answered with an explanation and if necessary, a demonstration. Wouldn’t you like to know what Nanny […]
November 4, 2011

Good Ol’ Fashioned Flogging

Now this is what I call a good ol’ fashioned flogging!  A nice alternative to your classic spanking or paddling! (wouldn’t want to get stuck in a rut, would we?)  I love the whole antique vibe, right down to the vintage lingerie and period hair style.  And the way they turned an ordinary piece of rope into an effective flogger/spanking implement?  I lovely piece of ingenuity!  Makes you wonder what went on behind those heavy mahogany doors of yester years!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010   ** over the knee spankings […]
November 3, 2011

Nap Time

  I always like to have a ritual when it comes to nap time.  A fresh diaper is always first, as I softly talk to you.  Next we gather your favorite stuffed animal, you blankie, and a fresh baba.  Then I gently put you in your crib and pull out Goodnight Moon to read to you.  And if you are a good abie, I will gently pat your thickly padded tushie until you drift off to dreamland.  See, nap time isn’t a bad time after all, is it?   Your […]
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