September 29, 2011

adult plastic pants

  These teddy bear plastic pants are adorable aren’t they? I need some for my cloth diapers and I wouldn’t mind putting them on a diaper lover or adult baby either. Usually I wear disposables myself, but every now and again I want to slip on some adult cloth diapers. Maybe these would be cute for an ab boy in diapers and Mommy could get her some girly ones huh? How many pairs of plastic pants for adults do you have in your drawer?   Mommy Josie Ab dl Mommy […]
June 29, 2011

diaper punishment

Momma has told you and told you about making wet messes in your pants little girl. I’ve had it up to here with you not listening so I am thinking it’s time for diaper punishment. You wet your pants over and over and there’s no point in being in panties if you can’t keep from tinkling in them sissy pants. So I went out and I got you some cloth diapers, some baby powder, some locking plastic panties and some baby mitts to keep your hands off of your diapers. […]
April 4, 2011

Sissy Baby Confessions

There are many things I love about being a dommy mommy and an abdl phone mommy in particular. One of those things is getting to help sissy babies and sissy boys. So many just haven’t found the right mommy or Mistress or even a friend to share their sissy side with. If I help even just one sissy boy to feel not so alone then that makes me feel wonderful. What makes it even better for me is when a sissy that I have been talking to for some time […]
February 21, 2011

adult diaper changes

I think that it’s getting to be that time again honey. It seems like someone needs their diaper changed soon. Now who could it be that needs their adult diapers changed? It’s you baby! Let’s make sure that we have all of the things we need to change that diaper. Baby, diaper, wipes,powder,ointment, mommy yes, I think we have it all. Now here in just a moment you’ll be clean and fresh won’t you? . Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010 for erotic diaper changing
February 2, 2011

going smooth

You may have a preference for how you like the hair (or lack of hair) in your diaper area already. If you are one of the ones with hair in your diaper area I invite you to at least try it without. Who knows you may just find that you really love how it feels. What I suggest is to run a warm bath and soak soak and soak some more. Really soften the hairs up in the bath. Then use a shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin and […]
December 31, 2010

Diapered New Year

Are you ready for a diapered New Year? I know that I am. I have my diapers and some fruity drinks and I am just as ready as can be. I hope that some of you will be playing in your diapers when the year 2011 hits us at midnight. Let’s just see how many diapered people we can get together for New Years. I only wear them occasionally and tonight is as good as any. See you in the New Year in wet diapers I hope. Mommy Shirley
December 15, 2010

the boy you were

The ” man” that you used to be wasn’t much of a man at all. Even when you went around and dated girls and wore underwear you were still teetering on the edge of adult babyhood. Now here you are months after I took you under my wing and you’re coming along perfect as can be. You don’t try to talk with regular words and you haven’t pulled yourself up to walk in so long you don’t even need those weights Mommy put on your restraints. Look at you crawling […]
December 3, 2010

wet panties

Don’t cry honey, it’s just wet panties. We can get those right off and clean you up and then get your diapers out. Oh honey, listen it’s ok. Babies are bound to have accidents and that’s why Mommy still has your diapers anyway. So that if your panties got tinkled in your diapers were not too far away. It’s ok, Mommy understands. Give me a hug and dry those tears up. Mommy Shirley
November 17, 2010

diapered lovers

Maybe my last husband should have been in diapers. Sometimes I just think if I had been firm with him about my fetish and how much it meant to me then maybe we would have had a happy female led relationship. I don’t mean completely female domination, but for him to have been lovingly guided. Well then I also think of what type of person he was and know that would have never worked out either. The next man that’s in my life long term though, he’ll be a diapered […]
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