February 20, 2011

Diaper Domination!

I babysit for BabyJacob every Saturday night. He is a real pill, as my mother would say. Just always into trouble of some sort. But I finally put my foot down. His Mommy just let him run ramped too long so I had no choice but to reintroduce diapers to him & force him into regression. So last night was his first forced treatment. It was intense to say the least. He is a handful, but I must say he took real well to submitting I had him diapered in […]
December 20, 2010

Bells Across the Snow

First pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! Is it really come again? With its memories and greetings, With its joys and with its pain There’s a minor in the carol, And a shadow in the light, And a spray of cypress twining With the holly wreath tonight. And the hush is never broken By laughter, light and low, As we listen in the starlight To the “bells across the snow.” Second pupil: Christmas, merry Christmas! ‘Tis not so very long Since other voices blended With the carol and the song! If we […]
September 4, 2010

What's your Favorite Flavor Gummy?

Dont you just love Gummy Bears? I do! I am not sure what my favorite flavor is though. That are such Yummy Gummies! Not only that, but they make great decorations for cakes, cookies, brownies, and other baked treats. Gummy worms look great on a chocolate cake graveyard. They can be a fun food to play with too, that is if Mommy lets you!! They also make a great little surprise in a little ones lunch box or displayed as an audience on the kitchen table for abies to talk […]
July 10, 2010

My Nursery

Look at these plush toys are they not just the cutiest thing you have ever seen? I think preparing for a newborn has to be almost as sweet as bringing them home. Afterall, a lot of time, consideration goes into all the preparing. The color choice, the furniture, how to decorate the walls, babies first toys which in my nursery would include these cutie pies, soft little cuddle bugs! Everything soft, bright and cheerful. I envision my nursery with a murrel of a rainbow, a jade colored pasture blooming wild […]
July 3, 2010

The Wizard of Oz

They are playing a classic all weekend this weekend! One of my favorites and I am sure a favorite to many others as well! An all time American great to enjoy over the weekend kick back and regress. Strap on those diapers, slip into your comfy cozy pj’s, grab your favorite blankey, stuffed toy, eat some ice cream, snuggle up close, while taking a journey back to the one and only place where dreams really do come true ! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
December 19, 2009

A Mothers Love

What a sweet image of Rudolph and his Mother. A Mothers love is strong, binding, and enduring. No matter how bad you’ve been all year, Mommy still loves you! So snuggle up with your Mommies this Christmas Eve and wait for Santa with her. Let Mommy change that diapey, feed you and tuck you in to wait for Santa. Perhaps if we are lucky will catch a sight of Rudolph and the other reindeer’s! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
December 13, 2009

Christmas Time Fun!

Do you like to color? Mommy Sara still loves to color, I find it very relaxing. So Mommy has a chore for all her little ones this week. Mommy wants all her little ones to visit this site and print out a page and sit and color it! You can pick up some crayons at the dollar store, take a picture of the picture you color and email it to Mommy. For anyone who does this Mommy will reward you with a treat! Now hop to it babies be the […]
October 22, 2009

A Hauntingly Good Tale!

Gather round my phone a mommy friend’s, I have a tale to tell. About a journey we shall make, if you are so compelled. Listen up and follow me, deep into the woods, now don’t be frightened my friend, my pal, for Mommy Sara will be your guide. Just hold my hand, tightly now, keeping close at Mommies side. Quickly, let us follow the trail up around the bend, past the brook, down the hill to where the gravel ends. Slowly, the next jaunt will be steep, Shhhhhhh…… danger is […]
October 17, 2009

Regression Potion

I have a surprise for my husband tonight when he gets home.  He wants a mommy to clean up after him? Well a mommy he will get. Mommy has concocted a very special potion for his after dinner drink tonight. It is going to shrink him down and regress him back to a sweet baby boy. If I am going to take care of him, it will be much more worth my while if he is a beautiful baby boy. Mommy Josie
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