December 22, 2010

New Year

This is my last blog post here for the year and it has me thinking of what a great year 2010 has been. Some of the abies here in our community I have gotten to know better during our sessions and in the chat. Some are new friends who I look forward to getting to know in the New Year. Personal changes have happened and I’m excited to be moving (hopefully sooner than later).I’m thankful for another year helping adult babies and diaper lovers to express themselves and for me […]
September 24, 2010


You don’t really need an excuse to have a party. It can be for an event like a Birthday, Fourth of July, Weddings or whatever. You can also throw a just because party. Those spontaneous just because parties can be the most fun. One time my ex boyfriend threw a just because party and it was a small gathering. It was wonderful to get to know some of his friends on a one on one basis though. Later that week I threw him a private just because party with diapers […]
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