January 25, 2014

Sensual Spankings

I love spankings – to give and on occasion, to receive. But mostly giving them brings me great joy. One of my favorite fantasies is to be the mean, but yet very hot, next door neighbor. You are too old for a babysitter but, your parents are going away for the weekend and cannot trust you alone in the house. So guess what? They send you over to my house. No, I do not tolerate mischievous boys well. And I let it be known that I am not going to […]
July 8, 2011

Show and Tell

Nanny loves taking care of Adult Babies. Once in awhile I am called in to watch over older boys and girls who are getting to that age where they ask a lot of questions. Curiosity is encouraged and rewarded on my watch. When little ones have questions, I think they should be answered and the best way to learn is by having fun. I have so much fun when my boys start getting curious about the excited feelings they are getting. A game of show and tell can answer all […]
November 1, 2009

Who Knows What Today Is

For those of you who do not know what today is, it’s All Saints Day, the church moved it from May to November 1st to try to combat the pagan holiday on October 31, 2009. I don’t really think it worked that well lol. There is an adult book store close to where I live that the church put a 30 ft. cross by, and the only thing I can think of when I drive by is WOW, Jesus must shop there! That’s bad isn’t it? Well anyway, for those […]
October 1, 2009

I'm The Girl….

LOL I love this little graphic. And you know what? It fits me so well. You Mom could never come up with the stuff I do. I make role playing on the phone fun and every time you call it will be different. I don’t like doing the same thing over and over, unless of course you do. 🙂 This is one reason I love what I do. I get to be super creative and have fun while doing it. Stacie 1.888.430.2010
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