October 29, 2009

Witch’s Brew

Here is a really yummy drink you can enjoy this Halloween. It’s Witch’s Brew Punch, and very good stuff. Preparation time: 10 minutes You Will Need 1 package (6 ounces) orange gelatin 1/2 to 1 cup sugar 2 cups boiling water 1 can (46 ounces) apricot nectar 1 can (46 ounces) pineapple juice 3/4 cup lemon juice 4 liters ginger ale, chilled What to Do 1. In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin and sugar in water. Stir in the apricot nectar, pineapple juice and lemon juice. Freeze in two 2-quart […]
February 26, 2009

Sissy baby

    Little Nate had a problem. Oh he was in a terrible mess. His Mommy caught him dressed in diapers, and a dress. She was used to the diapers, but the dress was s new twist. Lucky for Nate, his Mommy loved sissy babies. Tonight though little Nancy (Nate’s girl name) was all alone. So he called me up to be his Nanny for the night. I got his diaper changed, and his spankings given out. He hadn’t been the best sissy while Mommy was gone, for sure. Then he […]
January 29, 2009

Needing a Nurse

   We have had so many sick mommies and abies this winter. I find so many of the little ones I talk to have scratchy voices, and need some special attention. Here is a recipe for some honey lemon ‘tea’.   1 cup water 2 teaspoons honey 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon white sugar to taste Pour water into a mug. Add honey and heat in the microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds. Stir in lemon juice, mixing until honey is dissolved, then stir in the sugar. […]
January 22, 2009

valentine's day pretties

I am looking around for something pretty to order and wear for Valentine’s Day. I haven’t ordered any new lingerie in awhile so I am having fun seeing all of the nice things. Honestly, I am usually looking for this stuff for my abie hehe so. I am sure though that I will find the right thing. Don’t you just wonder what all of the mommies will be wearing to celebrate Valentine’s Day?   Mommy Scarlet
January 15, 2009

A Sissy Tea party

With the weather all chilly (at least here) I am drinking more hot teas. What fun it would be to have a Sissy Tea party. I was thinking the other day as I sipped my green tea, about having a beautiful sissy to serve it to me, and have some friends over. I have been to events like that before, but not in a long time.  It just might be time to host one.   Mommy Scarlet  
January 1, 2009

Have a great day

  I hope everyone in our ABDL community has a wonderful New Year. I will be busy today taking down Christmas decorations. Do you make resolutions? I have in the past, but I don’t think I am this year. I just want this to be a wonderful year for all of those I know, and those I have yet to meet. Have a great day everyone.   Scarlet dommy mommy phonesex
December 4, 2008

Stopping time

    This is a funny picture I saw, but it made me think. If you could stop time would you? Life has it’s own pace, and plan right? So if you had the ability to mess with it for whatever reason would you? I personally think it is kind of nice to not have the stop time, reverse time, backspace option of life. Sure we could correct some mistakes, but we wouldn’t learn from them.   Scarlet   ABDL Phonesex
October 30, 2008

Falling Dreams

     I think one of the most common dreams has to be the falling dream. You know the one, you are fast asleep and suddenly you are tumbling. My abie told me he had one last night, but that it turned into a flying dream. He watched as he fell through the stars at night, but soon was flying in the clouds. It sounded like a lot of fun really. It saved him from all of those jerky feelings the falling dream gives you too.   Mommy Scarlet
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