February 4, 2011

Sexy Dreams of You!

Okay, so this weekend is the Big Game! We all know that you men have a one track mind and usually the women dont get much attention this time of year. But us ladies in the sex industry arent interested in you being able to focus on more then one thing, in fact we dont even really need you do direct or pay any attention to us. We understand that you have only one thing on your mind, and for those that happen to get stuck in their thinking, stuck […]
December 6, 2009

You Saw Mommy What?

Yes, I know some of the babies were scared to death awakening to such a sight, others became very jealous and had to be given a spanking, NyQuil and sent back to bed, while the sissy boys were dressed up as a little toy doll and made to give Santa a blow job in exchange for their Christmas toys. All awhile Daddy snored up a storm drunk from the laced eggnog Mommy gave him earlier that evening. Want your toys this year youngins? Then I suggest babies stay in their […]
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