November 19, 2008


Fetware.Com Fetware Jumper Ok, I have to have one of these jumpers. Made by out of PVC, it would be the cutest thing to wear down to the beach, eh? It comes in: Gray, Mint Green, Purple, Teal Blue, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Natural. How awesome is that? It looks so roomy and comfy, and those snaps on the top! Ohmy! Don’t just think Fetware is only about the jumper. Ohno. They have the most gorgeous diaper covers! From bikini to full brief, they have it all, so many shapes […]
July 30, 2008


What more can I say? I’d love to have this one in my wardrobe of goodies. How cute is that! My abie side would love to show off in it too! Yes, I’m a girl and I still wear blue. Pair that up with a cute skirt and a fresh diaper, and off I would skip, happy and content. Wouldn’t you love to dress me up in it? 😉 CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
July 8, 2008

Yeah baby we do!

I love all the abies that I babysit for, however the blond ones hold a special little spot in my heart. Just like me, they tend to be free with their thoughts and expressions. They know what they want, and often times know just how to get it to. Nothing like a blond haired blue eyed abie looking up at you after they’ve done something naughty with the “I didn’t do it!” look on their faces. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh along. I suppose I know that look so […]
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