August 10, 2010

Adult Babies with Questions

When people finally realize that they are adult babies or that they like diapers they often have a lot of questions. They want to know why they like the things they like. A curious new adult baby wants to know that there are other people out there who like it too. Some of they want to tell others how they got into the diaper and adult baby lifestyle or fetish (whichever it is for them). The Phoneamommy Board is a good place to share and ask questions. The mommies and […]
July 14, 2010

adult diaper fetish

You’ve been curious about wearing diapers, and never knew there were so many others out there. Then you found us and realized you were not alone. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me when I get to comfort a diaper lover or adult baby who is confused. I remember how I felt when I learned there was a place for me, and for all of the things I liked. It’s refreshing to know there are people to turn to and tell your thoughts to. You’re not alone in […]
May 21, 2010

Babies Nursery

Mommy loves to shop and redoing the nursery is always so much fun. My little one loves when Mommy redecorates and goes on shopping sprees. The hardest part is settling on only one new style *giggles* that’s why I shop every year keeping the nursery fresh and new and fun! Fresh new paint, some wall decorations and new linens. Mommy cant wait to breastfeed her little one in abies newly decorated nursery! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
December 3, 2009

Next Up!

Well, another Thanksgivings has come to pass and Next Up is Christmas. Not much time left to prepare. I myself have my tree up, house is decorated for the most part, shopping is close to complete and fun activities are underway. Some of my favorite things to do during the winter season is enjoying the outdoors, carriage rides down town, taking long drives to look at the lights, bundling up and taking late night stroll under the moon in the fresh crisp air of the night, and relaxing at a […]
November 17, 2009

Sleep well my Sweet Prince!

When I come wake my little one up to begin a bright new day, I want you to think of a beautiful crib and nursery that Mommy has all set up for you. You’ll always be kept safe and comfy in your special place. A place of fairy tales, beauty, magic, and filled with love! So Rise and Shine my Sweet Little Prince, awake from those golden dreams and let Mommy and you enjoy a magical day of our own! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 29, 2009

Witch’s Brew

Here is a really yummy drink you can enjoy this Halloween. It’s Witch’s Brew Punch, and very good stuff. Preparation time: 10 minutes You Will Need 1 package (6 ounces) orange gelatin 1/2 to 1 cup sugar 2 cups boiling water 1 can (46 ounces) apricot nectar 1 can (46 ounces) pineapple juice 3/4 cup lemon juice 4 liters ginger ale, chilled What to Do 1. In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin and sugar in water. Stir in the apricot nectar, pineapple juice and lemon juice. Freeze in two 2-quart […]
October 8, 2009

Mommy’s costumed sissy

What a cute little costume. Some sissy would look very sexy as a little Eskimo cutie. I am in love with the velvet skater dress, the hood, the cute white boots, all of it. Just think of all of the compliments you would get if Mommy took you out in this. I’d take you to get your legs all nice and smooth, and to have your hair done just so. Then I would show you off to everyone.   Scarlet
September 23, 2009

Mommies Time Out!

Some days Mommies need a time out too! Why you say? Just take a peek at what your Mommy does all day. Saving, scraping, scrubbing, changing, wiping, buying, stocking, bathing, rocking, sweeping, cooking, singing, watching, washing, wringing, knitting, spanking, nursing, loving, feeding, reading, writing, slaving, working, playing, shopping, baking, banking, wrapping, dressing, mowing, planting, planing, strolling, outings, checking, replying, screaming, chasing, beckoning, correcting, solving, whipping, soothing, dusting, mopping, pampering, praising, cheering, cleaning, keeping, sorting, kneading, teaching, listening, coaching, carrying, cuddling, protecting, scolding, preaching, disciplining, spoiling, training, dressing, helping, guiding, gluing, […]
May 8, 2008

Hewwo Wittle Ones

Hi little ones and co-mommies. We had a good sweet bunch of adult babies in the abdl chat last night. It was nice to see the sissies and abie boys and girls. If you have never come by and chatted, you are missing out. Drop by and say hello. It’s a good way to get to know the mommies, grannies and all of the abdl lovers. It helps to get to know someone a bit before making that call. Mommy Scarlet
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