May 27, 2013

Good Girl Bath Time

I was a good girl alllll week long, so I got to have a special treat! Daddy took me to the store and let me get bubble bath stuff!! There was all kinds of yummy smelling bubble bath bombs covered in all kinds of sparkly glitters!! Daddy said I was soooo good that I could pick as many as I wanted! I got sooo many! There was a goldish colored one that was covered in gold glitter, a pink and purple one that has a pretty rose in the middle […]
May 20, 2013

ABy Bath Time!

Guess what time it is? Its bath time! Hehehe, now don’t get all squirmy, I know you love bath time! Come on now, get in the bathroom, you’re not getting out of this, ‘cause if your mommy comes home and you’re still all stinky, I’m gonna get in trouble! Here, I got the tub all nice and warm for you and I put in some bubble bath. Go on now, hop in. See, doesn’t that feel good? You can play with your rubber ducky while I use this nice wash […]
April 9, 2010

Bath Time!

Wanna hop in the bath with Mommy little boy? Mommy loves her baths especially this time a year, after all the spring cleaning mommy does all day there is nothing better than relaxing in a hot, bubble filled tub. And enjoying that time with Mommies little boy only makes it all that much sweeter. We can take turns washing washing each other and of course playing games like “blowing the bubbles off mommies boobies” and “parking the submarine” ends the night just right! Hurry up baby Mommy is filling the […]
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