August 27, 2010

Through the looking glass….

As I sit and reflect on my Mother, a smile always comes to my face. I think of the first time I skinned my knee and how thoughtful and concerned she was. Taking me inside and bandaging my knee, wiping away my tears with her kisses. I reminisce of the smells, the fresh baked cookies, dinner cooking all day long on the stove in preparation for a larger Sunday evening dinner. I reflect on her singing and rocking me to sleep long into my double digits. I recall the shopping […]
June 27, 2010

A few Ways to Stay Cool this Summer.

1. Dress lightly, wear lightly wetted t-shirts, wear light colored clothing as it reflects the heat or go naked 2. Use a cool wash cloth and wear it on the back of your neck 3. Play in the sprinkler then cool off in the shade 4. Eat lots of Ice Pops 5. Drink plenty of fluids (preferably low in sugar or water) and don’t drink it ice cold unless you want a brain freeze 6. Eat cool foods, like lots of watermelon or eat chicken salad in a melon 7. […]
October 27, 2008

A Gift

Wouldn’t you like to receive something like this as a gift? I sure would. It has everything in it to relax. Take a nice bath, eat a cookie, put some great smelling lotion on, eat a cookie, put some soothing music on, eat a cookie. Come to think of it, the only thing that will happen if you do happen to get a gift like this is you will become fat lol. Later Taters, Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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