May 14, 2011

Dirty Diaper Boy

OMG how long have you been in that Dirty Diaper? You are really a messy diaper boy! I cannot believe that my pesky lil stepbrother is such a slob. *Waves hands in front of my nose* you smell like a big poop head! Like what am I going to tell my friends when they come over, like they are going laugh and make fun of you. You know this right? Right? Is that what you want? To be called a big poop head? *Laughs hysterically* Step Sister Mandy 1 888 […]
February 20, 2011

Diaper Domination!

I babysit for BabyJacob every Saturday night. He is a real pill, as my mother would say. Just always into trouble of some sort. But I finally put my foot down. His Mommy just let him run ramped too long so I had no choice but to reintroduce diapers to him & force him into regression. So last night was his first forced treatment. It was intense to say the least. He is a handful, but I must say he took real well to submitting I had him diapered in […]
February 4, 2011

Packers vs Steelers

So who will you be rooting for? Which team are you on? I say the Packers should get Packing *giggles* Im not really all that into the games I am more concerned with sitting and wiggling on Daddy’s lap and all the laps of all his friends that will be over tomorrow night! The house will be full of men! My big brother and his friends too! While my little brother hides in his room sniffing my panties and jerking off in his diaper That I will tease him for […]
January 23, 2011

Diapered by the Dozen!

I am thinking of a new contest to hold. Anyone have any yummy ideas? My latest one was held for the smallest pee pee and the Winner was announced on my blog site… Baby Luke with 2 Inches! So now I am thinking of one that would involve how many diapers you could possibly get on. How does everyone like the sound of it? Anyone who knows me knows how much I like thick diapers and that I have been known to put many diapers on my little ones. For […]
November 21, 2010

Diaper Sex!

Cum play with me, Little Girl Mandy. There are a few things in life I love. One is Diapers! And besides from wearing my diaper it is having some diaper sex with you! Yes, You! *points at you* Where are all my like minded Diaper Lovers that wants to have some down right, hot, wet, messy, diaper sex? I miss you and I am sooooo wet and sooooo horny! Cum rub your diaper next to mine!!!! Mandy’s Waiting by the Phone, 1 888 430 2010
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