February 13, 2010

Baby Love

Now I’m not one for Valentine’s Day, not at all. But, I found these and thought they were cute. Especially the goo one. Mainly because it can be taken one of two ways. If you don’t get the innuendo with that one, it’s okay, just move along, I’ll explain it to you better some day. Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful valentine’s day, and if you do not have anyone to share it with, then remember to love yourself, because if you can’t love yourself, you will be never […]
November 27, 2008

Make an Apple Turkey!

What could be more in the Thanksgiving spirit than a celebration of the turkey? You will enjoy making these little turkeys out of apples. *giggles* This is a great activity to keep small hands out of the kitchen while Mommy prepares that big meal. All you need are a few apples, some toothpicks, marshmallows and raisins and you’re all set! When you are done you will have made a fabulous table decoration everyone can look at and enjoy while they gobble the real thing. *smiles* What You Need: * A […]
July 2, 2008

Oral Exam

Lately I have had an absolute craving to suck on anything. Lollipops, hard candies, soda straws, pens, fingers, toes!…anything I can get a suction fix from, I’m into it! I am on the lookout for anything and everything I can to get my oral fixation. Do you have something to offer me to suck on? I would *love* to hear all about it! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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