December 23, 2012

Mommy's Watching!

You’re probably familiar with Elf on the Shelf, the Christmas elf that comes to visit in December to make sure that everyone behaves themselves before Christmas. But things are a little different for ABies. I don’t use an elf to watch my ABies, I use handy little cameras that I hide all around the house. That’s right silly ABy, did you think you were getting away with all those naughty tricks you’ve been up to? Every little thing you’ve been doing in secret this month, they’re all on these tapes. […]
December 18, 2010

A Visit with Santa

Mommy has a special surprise for youabie! Today we are going to the mall and see a very special elf! Yes, that’s right, Santa Claus himself!  Now no crying or being naughty, and yes you have to sit on his lap and tell him what you want for Christmas.  (never you mind all the kids and mommies pointing and giggling at you)  And if you behave yourself maybe he will give you a special paci with a candy cane at the end instead of a nipple.  Wouldn’t that be fun […]
December 12, 2010

Diaper Changes during Christmas

Mommy loves to lay you in front of the beautifully decorated Christmas Tree and changes your diaper as you look up at all the Christmas lights. Little Aby gets all excited thinking about Christmas morning, listening to the Christmas music play. Mommy wraps you up nice and warm, the smell of cookies fills the room as they are baking in the oven, sucking on your baba Mommy reads you The Night Before Christmas in front of the fireplace nestled in Mommies lap. Merry Christmas to all you wonderful ABDL’s Mommy […]
December 27, 2009

What Did You Get

Was Santa good to you this year? Did you get anything good? I know some of my callers got some good stuff. Some received brand new Rhumba’s some received diapers, and toys. Some toys were naughty! For shame! lol Do you want to know what I got? Normal stuff. No diapers, no naughty toys, I am jealous of some of you lol. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
December 20, 2009

Which List are You On?

Well, looks like christmas is just about on top of us.  Now which list do you think you’re on? Will you be on the nice list? Or have you found yourself on the naughty list this year? Have you been nice to all the other ABies? Eaten all your veggies? Done what your mommy has said? Or have you been less then sweet and cooperative? Well, I’m sure you’ll be getting everything you deserve this Christmas, which ever list you end up on *wink*. In any case, have a wonderful […]
December 26, 2008

A Holiday Gift

I was thinking what can I get for all the ABDL and diaper lovers out there. You know a special kind of gift just from me to them. Well I got to thinking and I am always being asked to post a picture of me wearing diapers. Well I figured a friend was coming over I might as well have him take a sexy picture of me on my couch in my diapers. I decided yes this would be the perfect gift for everyone. So without further a due here […]
December 18, 2008

Merry X Mas

If you ask me they should all have there diapers on. *giggles* May you be blessed with bad timing! *giggles* What do you get when you cross a pickle with a reindeer? A Dill Doe *giggles* Merry X Mas everyone 🙂 Mommy Lexus has spankings ready for all the bad abdl and diaper lovers out there. *grins* Mommy Lexus 1-888-430-2010
December 17, 2008

Merry Kiss Moose!

Who will you be standing under the mistletoe with this holiday season? And what type of diapers will you be wearing? I hope you catch that special cutie and give them a nice, long, long, sweet kiss! Of course, who’s to say you can’t start a new tradition this year? Get caught under the mistletoe and it’s time to check your diaper to see how wet and messy it is! *giggles* Then we can sit down and watch some holiday movies while we snuggle on the couch… CousinJenna 1 888 […]
December 11, 2008


‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see […]
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